first tensions between supporters of the FCC and CACH

The tension between the FCC from Joseph Kabila and the CACH from Félix Tshisekedi is not falling. This Monday, December 7, supporters of every camp near the People’s Palace, the seat of parliament, clashed the day after the speech of the President of the Republic announcing the end of the ruling coalition and the appointment of an informant to identify the new majority. The faithful of Félix Tshisekedi had also come to put pressure on the President of the National Assembly so that she no longer leads the plenary sessions, she who is focused on a petition demanding her resignation.

as reported from Kinshasa,Patient Ligodi

From this morning, the militants of the UDPS and PPRD, the party of Joseph Kabila, gather around the seat of parliament. The pro-Tshisekedi sing to former President Joseph Kabila while young people on the other side wave banners in support of Jeanine Mabunda of the National Assembly. Liquor heats up quickly. The stone-throwing begins.

Fewer in number withdrew PPRD militants. And although the security system has been strengthened, pro-Tshisekedi is trying to invade the People’s Palace. They will be stopped by tear gas from the police.

The House cannot participate in the congregation

Meanwhile, elected officials near Félix Tshisekedi climb onto the hemicycle on stage and overturn chairs, tables, desks and other furniture to prevent the plenary from taking place. According to them, Jeanine Mabunda can no longer chair a plenary session of the National Assembly because she is facing a petition against her confiscation. Meanwhile, the deputies loyal to Joseph Kabila leave the room.

“Why are they doing this?” Asks Didi Manara, chair of the PPRD’s parliamentary group. They even look up the attendance lists. What are they afraid of?

Finally, the meeting is postponed to a later date. The elected UDPS promises to intervene every time Jeanine Mabunda will face them as president of the National Assembly.

To listen: DRC: “To get a majority, Felix Tshisekedi must steal a lot of Kabilists”


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