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East Africa

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Tour de France: with Nicholas Dlamini, historical past

Nicholas Dlaminis turns into the primary black South African to participate within the Tour de France. Since 2015, Massive Loop has welcomed a number of runners from the African continent with roughly regularity. Two different South Africans, Louis Meintjes and StefandeBod, may even signify Africa for this 108th version. On…

the inhabitants already is aware of the consequences of the brand new

In Uganda, the financial penalties of the brand new partial containment that started this weekend are already being felt by a few of the inhabitants. Since Saturday 19 June and for a interval of 42 days, all transport, public or non-public, is forbidden, locations of worship are closed and the curfew modified to 19:00 as an alternative of 21:00 Amongst essentially the most affected is bike taxi or "boda…

US seizes 33 Iranian websites used for disinformation

US seizes 33 Iranian websites used for disinformation WASHINGTON - In a campaign to spread disinformation and misinform the public, the United States has seized at least 33 websites used by Tehran to discredit truth-seeking efforts around the world. The two countries have been embroiled in online and offline wars, which have often escalated into unpleasant exchanges, including the murder last…

TPLF fighters shoot down Ethiopian military plane suspected of carrying

NAIROBI, Kenya - The Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray fighters otherwise known as the Tigray Defense Forces shot down an Ethiopian military plane on Wednesday, a senior official confirmed, which could spark further tensions in Ethiopia's troubled Tigray region. Over the past eight months, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces with Eritrean assistance, troops conducted operations in the Tigray region in pursuit of TPLF fighters. The conflict was sparked by the TPLF's decision to attack the Northern Command.…

Prime Minister Roble pledges to find Somali soldiers ‘missing’ in Eritrea

Prime Minister Roble pledges to find Somali soldiers 'missing' in Eritrea MOGADISHU, Somalia - After street protests in parts of the country, Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has pledged to help locate thousands of soldiers who are believed to be training in Eritrea, though their families are being held in the country. darkness. In recent months, families of young families have called…

Turkey seeks to develop spaceport in Somalia

Turkey seeks to develop spaceport in Somalia ANKARA, Turkey - The Republic of Turkey is in talks with three countries to develop a spaceport in Somalia and a rocket to perform moon landings, the space agency chief said, as Ankara continues to explore opportunities in the country of the Horn of Africa. For nearly a decade Turkey has proven to be a reliable development friend of Somalia, but its…

the dialogue continues between Gitega and Brussels in

In Burundi, the head of diplomacy Albert Shingiro and the ambassador of the European Union, Claude Bochu, surrounded by his fellow Member States on Wednesday morning at a large hotel in Bujumbura, resume political dialogue with a view to lifting sanctions against Gitega. This dialogue, which has since stopped, resumed in February after Access by Nkurunziza's successor to power.…

Federal Army accused of bombing a

An airstrike in the northern province of Ethiopia reportedly left dozens dead and injured on Tuesday (June 22). The region is in the grip of a bloody conflict between the federal power, aided by the Eritrean army, and the former power in Tigray was now transformed into an armed group. The war left thousands dead there. as…

These former African leaders who meet

Former Mauritanian President Mohmamed Ould Abdel Aziza was arrested on Tuesday and detained in Nouakchott. He was indicted on March 12 for corruption, embezzlement of public property and money laundering during his presidency between 2008 and 2019. He is not the only former African leader facing justice. Overview. What gives…

Prime Minister Roble summons state leaders ahead of Somalia election

Prime Minister Roble summons state leaders ahead of Somalia election MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has called all state leaders for a meeting scheduled for June 27, as the country continues to prepare for elections, which are expected to take place next month in all states. Elections in Somalia were delayed after the government failed to hold universal suffrage…

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