MP Abdullahi Black Cautions South West State Against Plans to Remove Hudur’s Mayor

In the bustling heart of Mogadishu, Federal MP Abdullahi Adan Ahmed, known by all as Black, sounded the alarm on the South West State’s administration’s alleged ploy to oust Hudur’s mayor. He voiced concerns that this move could stir the pot of serenity in Hudur, a district lauded for its peace compared to other restless parts of the region.

According to Black, a pair of important state ministers—one from the Interior Ministry, the other from Security—recently graced Hudur with a visit, sparking whispers of a mayoral upheaval. The current mayor was freely elected by the populace, and any talk of his ousting is, as Black sees it, unjust and fraught with peril.

“There’s chatter on the streets that Hudur’s mayor might be shown the door,” Black lamented. “Chosen through the people’s voice, his removal lacks any rhyme or reason. The ministers who popped by aren’t exactly singing songs of peace and unity.”

The MP didn’t pull his punches, taking aim at the South West State leadership for pushing leadership changes while in a caretaker stint. Black pointed out that, with expired credentials, neither the president nor the council has the legal mojo to pull off such decisions.

“The South West State folks are playing with fire in a mandate-less phase,” Black stated firmly. “Rocking Hudur’s boat by unseating an elected captain without backing only invites chaos to anchor.”

Hudur, nestled in the Bakool region, is a haven of calm, dodging much of the bloodshed and clan skirmishes entangling its neighbors in South West State. Black underscored the import of this oasis, warning that upsetting its balance would ripple wider unease across the region’s safety net.

“Hudur stands apart from the wave of discord and turmoil in South West State,” Black remarked pointedly. “The administration ought to honor the people’s choice and dodge provoking an unwarranted ruckus.”

Issuing a clarion call, Black coaxed Hudur’s folks to stand firm against any mayoral coup and cautioned that South West State’s gambit could sow seeds of unrest and disorder within their midst.

Edited by: Ali Musa

Axadle international–Monitoring

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