Somali Troops and Local Militias Reclaim Crucial al-Shabaab Bastion in Mudug

Military bigwigs running the show reported that they tore down fortified spots and obliterated prime hideouts in the village, effectively throwing a wrench into Al-Shabaab’s plans to launch attacks nearby. They said this capture is a turning point in the two-year mission to kick Al-Shabaab out of Mudug.

Somali forces have been in the thick of action, constantly working to free areas from Al-Shabaab’s grip. Snagging Baraag Ali-Gaduud marks not just a tactical victory but also a strategic leap in the grand scheme of securing Mudug. By rooting out Al-Shabaab from this pivotal location, Somali authorities aim to fracture the group’s operational backbone.

The success of this operation also underscores the growing teamwork between government troops and local militias—a partnership that’s becoming crucial in the war against Al-Shabaab.

In December 2023, Somali forces, teaming up with international allies, launched an airstrike against Al-Shabaab fighters in Baraag Ali-Gaduud. Happening about 31 kilometers south of Harardhere, the strike targeted vehicles ferrying Al-Shabaab leaders and combatants. It resulted in the destruction of two vehicles, although the exact number of militants taken out wasn’t revealed then.

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