Somali UN Envoy Calls on AU Troops to Comply with International Law and Honor Territorial Sovereignty

Somali UN Envoy Implores AU Troops to Respect International Norms and Somalia’s Borders

UNITED NATIONS (AX) — Somalia’s voice at the United Nations, Abukar Dahir Osman, urged African Union troop-contributing nations to rigorously adhere to global laws and honor Somalia’s borders. Addressing the United Nations Security Council, Osman underscored the importance of aligning foreign military actions with regional agreements to maintain stability.

“Failing to respect Somalia’s borders can be perceived as aggression,” Osman warned, highlighting the peril such actions pose to Somalia’s stability. He further underlined the necessity of sufficient funding to uphold peacekeeping operations, which are vital for Somalia’s enduring security.

While Osman never pinpointed specific nations, analysts inferred his comments were likely targeted at Ethiopia. Somalia’s administration has previously declared that Ethiopian forces will not partake in the fresh peacekeeping mission poised to succeed the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) by December 2024. Instead, Somalia has shown a preference for involving Egyptian forces in the new initiative.

Tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia have intensified recently, especially after Ethiopia inked a controversial accord with North Western of Somaliain January, which grants the landlocked nation access to Somaliland’s coast. Somalia perceives this agreement as an infringement on its sovereignty.

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