Somalia’s Health Minister Alleged to Have Oversaw Corruption and Mismanagement, Leading to the Collapse of Health Services

Serious Allegations Emerge Against Somalia’s Federal Health Ministry

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AXADLE) – Health ministers from various Somali regional states have launched strong accusations against the Federal Ministry of Health, claiming severe mismanagement and interference with vital healthcare initiatives.

These officials assert that such actions have significantly hindered the progress of the country’s healthcare framework. In a letter, addressed to the leaders of regional governments and the Banaadir Region Governor, they meticulously highlighted a series of issues arising from the federal ministry’s inability to implement national health strategies effectively.

The correspondence disclosed that numerous discussions—such as one on March 3, 2024—were organized to tackle these obstacles. Yet, these attempts yielded no tangible remedies. The regional ministers voiced their exasperation over the federal government’s apparent lack of support and collaboration, which has jeopardized essential healthcare projects aimed at enhancing services nationwide.

Mounting Corruption Scandal

Compounding these challenges, a recent scandal involving the misappropriation of funds tied to the Damal Caafimaad initiative has surfaced. This World Bank-backed project intended to elevate healthcare services. Documents have surfaced indicating that a federal official orchestrated a dubious deal to lease an office in Mogadishu for $72,000—raising eyebrows, as ministry personnel are already stationed in government facilities. Such dealings have intensified fears of rampant financial mismanagement within the ministry.

Just last week, a cadre of Somali lawmakers accused Health Minister Ali Haji of wide-ranging corruption, asserting that he misappropriated foreign assistance from the World Bank, WHO, and UNICEF. These funds, aimed at strengthening the nation’s fragile healthcare apparatus, were reportedly diverted for personal gain or unrelated activities, aggravating the precarious circumstances of Somalia’s healthcare system.

Project Failures Highlighted

The letter contained explicit accounts of failures attributed to the federal ministry’s poor oversight:

  • A directive mandating the cessation of collaboration with regional health ministries resulted in a $25 million loss from the World Bank project.
  • The Damal Health Project, intended to uplift healthcare services in federal and Banaadir regions, was abruptly canceled without any benefits realized.
  • The COVID-19 initiative, with a $48 million budget slated to run until October 2025, was prematurely ended without an opportunity for extension.
  • The establishment of a Critical Care Unit (CCU) hospital was also halted, leaving staff unpaid for over a year. This initiative was expected to extend until April 2025.
  • Suspension of the Global Fund project, a critical component of national health strategies, has lasted nine months, halting essential healthcare services.
  • A significant technical meeting designed to oversee healthcare projects in the Banaadir region has been postponed for over a year, as ministers placed blame squarely on Dr. Ali Haji.
  • The termination of the CHASP initiative, which benefited healthcare professionals who had served for more than seven years under the federal system, led to the dismissal of numerous long-standing employees and adversely affected healthcare facilities nationwide.
  • The collaboration between the Federal Government and regional authorities on vital healthcare issues has come to a standstill, straining an already fragile healthcare network.
  • Suspension of direct medical support from the Federal Government has interrupted services throughout the regions.
  • The Ministry of Health has not enacted a new healthcare delivery framework, which was meant to be implemented across various regions and villages.
  • The critical GAVI children’s vaccination program has also been halted, impacting immunization efforts.

The Federal Member States’ Call

This letter was endorsed by health ministers from Jubaland, South West, Hirshabelle, and Galmudug, along with the Director of Health for the Banaadir Region. Together, they have demanded immediate action to address these serious issues and avert further decline in Somalia’s healthcare framework.

Public distrust toward the Federal Ministry of Health has intensified, fueled by these allegations alongside escalating corruption cases. The regional health ministers are pressing the Federal Government to act quickly to resolve this crisis before the healthcare system—already on the brink—collapses completely.

As of now, Health Minister Dr. Ali Haji has remained silent regarding these accusations, which have already been presented in Parliament.

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