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East Africa

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North Western of Somalia Asserts Upgrade of Ethiopian Consulate to Embassy, Waiting for Ethiopia’s Confirmation

Hargeisa (AX) — Reports suggest that Ethiopia has elevated its consulate in Hargeisa, North Western of Somalia, to embassy status, as stated by North Western of Somalia officials. This announcement was made during the 33rd anniversary of North Western of Somalia's self-proclaimed independence from Somalia on May 18, confirmed by North Western of Somalia President Musa Bihi Abdi and Minister of Information, Culture, and National Guidance, Ali Mohamed Hassan, also known as Ali Marehaan. In an interview with BBC Somali,…

Finland Takes Action: Proposed Emergency Legislation to Curb Unauthorized Migration at Russian Border

In a bid to curb illegal asylum seekers, Finland has enacted emergency laws along its border with Russia due to political tensions stemming from the Ukraine conflict. Last year, Finland shut down its 1,340 km boundary to cope with rising migrant numbers from countries like Syria and Somalia. As Finland joined NATO, it accused Moscow of manipulating migration for political gain, a claim Russia refutes, attributing it to Western propaganda. Prime Minister Orpo stressed the necessity of the law for national security, cautioned…

Alert: Somalia Braces for Tropical Storm Threats

Since the start of this year, torrential downpours and sudden floods have wreaked havoc in Somalia. As per the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, about 225,760 individuals have been impacted by the heavy rains and flooding of the Gu season (April to June) as of May 14, with close to 38,730 people being displaced or relocated. The heavy rains and floods have not only caused damage to properties but have also led to the displacement of thousands. Livelihoods, such as livestock and cropland,…

Social Media Crackdown: Somali Influencers Detained for Inciting Tribal Tensions

In Mog, Somali authorities nabbed 21 social media influencers for spreading clan-based insults and causing chaos online. Both men and women were rounded up by the Banadir Regional Police, their mugshots plastered on the Somali Police's Facebook page.These influencers, labeled troublemakers, are stewing in custody as court dates loom, while more troublemakers are on law enforcement's radar for similar charges of "social discrimination."A pal of a detainee, a TikTok pro, spilled to BBC Somali Service that the arrests stemmed…

Turkey Plans to Construct $6 Million State-of-the-Art Somali Embassy in Ankara

Turkish media slam the government's project, but reports reveal Somalia donated more land in 2015 than Turkey plans to give now. Turkey will build an embassy and provide land to Somalia costing over $6m, as per a deal presented to the Turkish parliament on Monday. The agreement, signed in 2022, states that Turkey will make this contribution in exchange for land donated by Somalia in 2015. The largest Turkish diplomatic mission in the world, built in Mogadishu, cost $65m and covered more than 61,000 sqm. In return, Somalia…

Ethiopia Elevates Consulate in North Western of Somalia to Official Embassy Status

Ethiopia boosts relationship with North Western of Somalia, turning consulate in Hargeisa into embassy, escalating tension with Somalia. Ali Marehaan of North Western of Somalia confirmed the upgrade, signaling a move towards recognition. Celebrations for North Western of Somalia's independence also hinted at the diplomatic shift. The decision was revealed by President Muse Bihi Abdi in a speech. Ethiopia and North Western of Somalia signed an agreement for a Naval Base in return for recognition. Recent Ambassador…

Somalia Pursuing Security Collaborations with Russia to Enhance Stability and Protection

Somalia Seeks Strong Security Partnerships with Russia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia expressed interest in collaborating with Russia on security, social, and humanitarian issues. The President acknowledged the significant role Moscow plays in assisting Somalia in achieving socio-economic stability. During a meeting in Mogadishu, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Russia's Ambassador to Djibouti and Somalia, Mikhail Golovanov, discussed the importance of cooperation between the two countries to maintain…

Al-Shabaab Installs Fresh Leader in Military Command

In Somalia, a new leader has been appointed by Al-Shabaab, the militant group controlling central and southern regions. The new army commander, possibly Guled Ilkacase, will oversee ground operations with uncertain strategies. This change may be due to internal disputes within the group. There is little information available about Guled Ilkacase, but he is respected within the group and is said to have spent time with Al-Shabaab fighters in Galgala, Northeastern State. Northeastern State, a relatively stable region, has…

Northeastern State Military Court Hands Down Death Sentences and Prison Terms to Four Al-Shabab Operatives

In Bosaso, a Northeastern State military court handed down sentences on four individuals linked to the al-Shabab militant group. One suspect, Mohamud Mohamed Ahmed (Qeyliye), was found in collaboration with the Northeastern State leader of al-Shabab. Qeyliye was found responsible for driving the vehicle that transported gunmen for planned attacks, leading to the deaths of two people in Bosaso. He received a death sentence. Abdikhadar Mohamed Shire, also implicated as a driver for al-Shabab, received a 15-year prison…

Sanbalolshe Institutes Overhaul at Somalia’s Intelligence Agency: New Leadership brings change

Somalia's intelligence agency, NISA, is undergoing a significant overhaul as the new director, Abdullahi Sanbalolshe, makes key leadership changes to strengthen the organization in the face of security challenges. The reshuffle includes the appointment of Muhiyidin Warbac as the new deputy director, bringing his expertise in counterterrorism to enhance strategic objectives. Abdifitah Shawe has been named head of the Benadir region, focusing on improving security in Mogadishu. Abdikadir Hayow is the new head of security at…

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