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East Africa

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The African Union is trying a new mediation

It is a new attempt at mediation in Ethiopia to end the conflict between the government and the dissident Tigray region. The latest attempt comes from Cyril Ramaphosa and the African Union. It has now been eighteen days since the clashes took place and caused the flight of more than 30,000 refugees in neighboring Sudan. The UN said on Friday, November 20, that it expects 200,000 in total. To end the fighting, many countries and international organizations have called for a ceasefire for two weeks. Calls are systematically…

Former Prime Minister apologizes for NISA assault by opposition chief

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Reconciliation amongst Somalia's main opposition leaders continues to construct after the newest apology from former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire to Wadajir chief Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame forward of a gathering scheduled for Saturday in Mogadishu. Since resigning in July, Khaire has confronted his former enemies with allies in what may very well be a method to construct a stable opposition alliance that can problem President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo within the upcoming polls, which, in…

Somalia’s opposition candidates meet over elections

MOGADISHU, Somalia - High opposition candidates within the upcoming Somalia election will from Saturday lead conversations about disagreements which have arisen in the way in which that elections are to be held within the nation with simply over a number of weeks till the beginning of the train. The crew has already rejected an inventory of members of the nomination committee accepted by Villa Somalia, claiming that almost all members had hyperlinks to the Nationwide Intelligence Safety Company , a requirement that…

Sacked Somalia’s FM rejects Farmajo’s ambassador job

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing Somalia's International Minister Ahmed Awad has rejected an ambassadorial job provide from Villa Somalia, simply hours after he was fired by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble on Thursday in a transfer that has raised suspicion and political nervousness within the nation. On Thursday, Awad, a minister in President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's administration, was launched from his duties in what's believed to be the confusion over the continuing Ethiopian disaster within the Tigray…

rising prices for basic food

In Madagascar, we are seeing an increase in the prices of basic necessities. During two weeks, in the markets of the capital, but also in the provinces, the kilo of different rice varieties, a commodity that forms the basis of the Malagasy diet, has increased from 200 to 400 ariary. Oil and sugar prices are also rising. An increase that worries Malagasy households, which have already been hit hard by the economic and social crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. At the Analakely market in the center of the Malagasy…

What’s happening on the Eritrean front?

Since the beginning of the conflict in Tigray, the possible involvement of Eritrea, the country bordering the Ethiopian province, has often been mentioned. But what do we know about the situation on the Eritrean front? The Ethiopian army operates freely from Eritrean territory with the support of the authorities in Asmara. If…

NGOs are concerned about the violence in the presidential campaign

In Uganda, opponent Bobi Wine was released on Friday, November 20, after two days in police custody. He was arrested on Wednesday while fighting for the presidential election in January 2021. The announcement of his arrest sparked protests on Wednesday which were violently suppressed by the security forces. According to a recent police report, there are 37 dead and more than 45 seriously injured. Violence is condemned by civil society organizations. The campaign for the presidential election has just begun and several…

the fighting continues in the absence of humanitarian aid

Last Tuesday, the UN sounded the alarm by calling the crisis in Tigray a great tragedy. Since that conversation, nothing has really changed. Conflicts have continued for 18 days in Ethiopia's Tigray region between the federal army and troops from Tigray's dissident party, the TPLF. A conflict without independent witnesses. On Friday, the Ethiopian government said its troops had advanced in the direction of the provincial capital Mekelle, while the Tigray party claimed to have recaptured a city from the troops in Addis…

South Sudan, Chad, Eritrea ranked the worst African nations for women

South Sudan, Chad and Eritrea are the worst African international locations to reside in as a woman, a first-of-its-kind index discovered on Friday, with scientists warning that the pandemic may put again efforts to maintain ladies in class, with out work protected from violence. The African Little one Coverage Discussion board (ACPF) ranked 52 African international locations based mostly on ladies' rights and well-being. The analysis institute assessed governments on a number of elements together with…

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