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Tracing the Rise and Decline of Somalia’s Islamic State

1. The Rise of the Islamic State Before we delved into the narratives surrounding the establishment of the Islamic State in Somalia in 2015, a key player on this turbulent stage was the Somali jihadist group al-Shabaab. Imagine a landscape where al-Shabaab—deeply rooted in the northern territories—was not only a formidable entity by itself but also intricately tied to expansive smuggling networks. At a certain point, however, a chasm began to open within their ranks, leading to a fateful division. From this split emerged…

Tracing the Source of Rwanda’s Marburg Outbreak Identified

In a recent announcement, Sabin Nsanzimana, the Minister of Health, disclosed that the current Marburg virus outbreak originated with a 27-year-old individual who had come into contact with fruit bats while working in a cave linked to mining activities. This patient sought care at King Faisal Hospital in Kigali. Initially misdiagnosed with malaria, further testing eventually confirmed he was infected with the Marburg virus, leading to a rapid spread of the disease among close contacts and several healthcare workers.…

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