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Somalia: Prime Minister Roble dismisses Farmajo’s right-hand man to claim management

Somalia: Prime Minister Roble dismisses Farmajo's right-hand man to assert control MOGADISHU, Somalia - The sudden announcement by the Prime Minister's Office on Friday to sack the chief of staff of Somalia's controversial spy service, the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), caused seismic waves across the political spectrum and caught initiates by surprise. Officially Chief of…

Somali PM sacks prime intelligence officers in thrill transfer

Somali PM sacks top intelligence officials in thrill move that has upset Farmajo MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble on Friday sacked two senior intelligence officials in an unexpected move that allegedly angered incumbent President Farmajo. In a statement, the prime minister's office announced that NISA's director of human resources, Abdullahi Kulane, and the head…

EDITORIAL: Somalia Wants Safety Company Cooperation Now

EDITORIAL | Somalia heads for much delayed and eagerly awaited elections this Sunday; having already overcome enormous amounts of challenges. And the credit could go to Somali Prime Minister Hussein Roble, who managed to stabilize the ship that appeared to be sinking earlier in the year. Of course, these arrangements could never have been made if the federal states had chosen to go their way. They deserve credit for having chosen the best interests of the country at a time when the leaders of the federal government were…

World Bank approves USD 100 million for well being companies in Somalia

World Bank approves USD 100 million for health services in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia -- The World Bank announced Thursday that it has approved a total of US $ 100 million to help improve health services in Somalia. The project, the World Bank's 30-year investment in Somalia's health sector, which aims to improve health services is funded by a $ 75 million grant from International Development…

Djibouti denies sending troops to Ethiopian border as 1000’s gather

Djibouti, Djibouti - Djibouti has fought against claims that its troops were sent to the common border with Ethiopia, even as the conflict between Addis Ababa and the Tigray Defense Forces rages, as Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed struggles to restore order in the country. Reports of Djibouti's plans to send troops to the border with Ethiopia emerged on Tuesday, with the end game being to prevent TDF from cutting rail and road links to Djibouti as a strategy to economically stifle Addis Ababa. . Ethiopia depends on the port of…

The NISA ordered not to stop politicians from visiting their constituencies

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The National Intelligence and Security Agency , police and immigration were put together by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, following a litany of complaints involving them in a series of incidents targeting politicians across the country. The spy agency , has often been criticized for targeting opposition politicians in a crackdown reportedly sanctioned by President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, who has had problems with a number of his critics. More often than not, opposition leaders have…

first drone strike towards shebab then

In Somalia, for the first time since Joe Biden's arrival in the US presidency, the Americans ordered a drone strike against the Shebabs. The operation, which took place on Tuesday, July 20, targeted Islamist terrorists near Galkayo, in central Somalia. as reported from Nairobi, Sebastien nemethIt is probably the urgency that…

SNA chief clashes with AMISOM pressure commander over anti-al-Shabaab

SNA chief clashes with AMISOM force commander over anti-Al-Shabaab offensive MOGADISHU, Somalia - A dispute has arisen between the Somali national army and the African Union Mission Forces in Somalia, reports the Voice of America, in what could potentially ruin the gains made so far in the fight against Al-Shabaab militants. VOA Somali claims that SNA chief Gen. Odowaa Yusuf Rageh wrote a…

Kenyan airplane crashes in El-Wak, Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A Kenyan plane crashed into a closed Burohache airstrip in El-Wak, Somalia, authorities said, minutes before its scheduled landing at Mandera airport in northeast Kenya, where he makes regular trips. Officials said plane number 5Y-GRS DAC Aviation International De Havilland Canada DHC-8-100 took off from Wilson Airport in Nairobi and had 45 passengers on board. The Burohache military airstrip where it landed was closed for renovation. The 45 passengers on the plane were safely evacuated by the…

Djiboutian troops transfer nearer to Ethiopia as TDF reportedly focused

NAIROBI, Kenya - A contingent of Djiboutian troops would have moved towards the common border with Ethiopia in the north, Axadle has learned, in an attempt to thwart a possible threat from the Tigray Defense Forces. , which is embroiled in a conflict with the authorities in Addis Ababa. TDF fight with Ethiopian National Defense Forces following the latter's operations in the Tigray region, which left thousands dead and millions displaced. ENDF has been temporarily withdrawn from Tigray but TDF accuses them of blocking…

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