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Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed campaigns in UN vehicle amid suspected genocide

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed campaigns in UN vehicle amid suspected genocide in Tigray ADDIS ABABA - In one of the most unprecedented gestures, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was photographed in a United Nations-owned vehicle while campaigning, ahead of the general election on June 21, which could spark a debate on the UN's commitment to end the war against the Tigrayans. Over the…

Biden to send US special forces to Somalia at war with Al-Shabaab

Biden to send US special forces to Somalia at war with Al-Shabaab WASHINGTON, United States - A contingent of US military special forces could be sent to Somalia in the coming weeks, it has been learned, just weeks after former President Donald Trump withdrew soldiers serving in the war-torn country. war. A proposal by President Joe Biden, which was seen by The New York Times, suggests the…

The United States was able to return troops to

According to the US press, the Pentagon is considering sending several dozen special forces to fight the Islamic Shebab terrorists. A decision that would abolish the sudden return of the 700 US troops permanently based in Somalia, until former President Trump decided on a total withdrawal in January. as reported from Nairobi,…

Somali troops in the Tigray conflict: the deafening silence of Prime Minister Roble

Somali troops in the Tigray conflict: the deafening silence of Prime Minister Roble MOGADISHU, Somalia - In one of the most empathetic interviews, a tearful mother tells reporters in Mogadishu that "I don't know anyone in the opposition or in the government, I'm just a vegetable vendor" in reference to a missing son, who is said to be training in Eritrea, yet nothing to come seems to emanate…

Al-Shabaab base captured in Northeastern State, Somalia

Al-Shabaab base captured in Northeastern State, Somalia BOSSASO, Northeastern State - A base used by Somalia-based al-Shabaab militants has been captured in Somalia's Northeastern State state, state media say, as part of the ongoing crackdown on extremists, who are fighting to overthrow the fragile Somali administration backed by the UN. Northeastern State security forces reportedly raided the…

Kenya and Somalia are resuming relations

After a six-month shortage between Kenya and Somalia, diplomatic relations resumed following a silent exchange of letters between the two foreign ministries. On Saturday, June 12, Mogadishu had signaled that they wanted to open their respective embassies again. An invitation accepted on Monday, June 14 by Nairobi, which even speaks of a recovery "as soon as possible".…

Lights in a tunnel: Syrian refugees find solace in Somalia

Lights in a tunnel: Syrian refugees find solace in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - When war broke out in and around Damascus, many people might have expected Syrians to take refuge in Europe, America, or neighboring countries like Jordan, but this may not be not quite true. Although a number of them were able to travel to the aforementioned areas, a number chose Somalia, another country plagued by…

Al-Shabaab suffers multiple defeats in Somalia; loses more ground

MOGADISHU, Somalia - When General Yusuf Rageh Odowaa announced major crackdowns against Al-Shabaab in central and southern Somalia, he insisted that "we will crush them, reclaim our territories" and true to his words, the activists have continued to suffer defeats in recent weeks. But even more fascinating, unlike many configurations of the military, General Odowaa Yusuf Rageh has taken it upon himself to lead a crackdown on the militants, which has apparently paid off in recent weeks. Since last week, more than 200…

murderous suicide attack on a camp

According to a preliminary toll by the Somali army, a suicide attack left at least ten dead and twenty injured in the Somali capital on Tuesday (June 15). A man blew himself up in the middle of young army recruits in front of a large military camp in the city. The attack has not yet been claimed but the Islamist shebabs are suspected. The terrorist claimed to have considered a new recruit in the Somali army. He would have mingled with dozens of young people waiting in line in front of the General Abdikarim Yusuf…

Somalia: Al-Shabaab militants sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council

MOGADISHU, Somalia - In what aims to degrade Somalia-based Al-Shabaab, the United Nations Security Council slapped three Al-Shabaab operatives with sanctions, following the latest coordinated efforts to end militant domination in parts of Somalia. The chairman of the Security Council sanctions regime on Monday announced a measure intended to help the Somali federal government fight the militants, who control large swathes of rural areas in central and southern Somalia, but have steadily continued to lose ground. ground.…

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