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How Refugees in Kenya Are Smuggled to Libya: Main Paths and Hidden Journeys

document.getElementById('article').innerHTML = marked(` # A Refugee Camp: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words In a world filled with unsolicited adventures, the tranquil-looking refugee camps in Dadaab, Garissa County, are an ironic launching pad for a perilous journey charted by an audacious human trafficking cartel. These cartels now cast their deceptive nets wider, beckoning unsuspecting Kenyans into their tangled web, dangling dreams of a better life that seldom materialize. As it turns out, these traffickers…

Kenyan, Somali, and Ethiopian Elders Call for Unity Amid Rising Insecurity from Smuggled Arms

MANDERA, Kenya (AX) — Prominent elders from Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia are making an earnest appeal for unity among Northern Kenya's communities, in the wake of deadly upheavals in Banessa. Authorities caution that the infiltration of illegal arms from neighboring territories exacerbates the region's turmoil. During the assembly, leaders called on Northern Kenya inhabitants to collaborate with law enforcement agencies to tackle the smuggling of small arms — a significant contributor to the area’s escalating insecurity.…

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