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Search for Survivors Underway After Ethiopian Landslides Claim 229 Lives

Ethiopia Faces Tragedy as Twin Landslides Claim 229 Lives The death toll has surged to 229 following two devastating landslides in southern Ethiopia, according to local officials, as rescue operations entered their second day. Images circulating on social media show throngs of people gathered at the catastrophe site, many desperately digging through the mud with shovels or even their bare hands, shared by the local authorities. A statement from the local Communications Affairs Department confirmed that 148 men and 81…

Ongoing Search to Identify Additional Victims of Suspected Serial Killer in Kenya

Efforts Underway to Uncover More Victims of Alleged Kenyan Serial Killer Serial Killer Investigation in Kenya Unmasking Horror: Kenyan Authorities Sift for More Victims in Serial Killer Case In a gripping turn of events, Kenyan law enforcement is intensifying efforts to discover additional victims linked to a suspected serial killer. The chilling investigation has captured national attention, drawing a stunned public eye to the horrifying possibility of more undisclosed tragedies.…

In search of the missing from the Algerian war

Sixty years ago, the Evian Agreement was signed by representatives of the French Government and those of GPRA, the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic. The next day, the ceasefire was established, eight years after the start of the war, and the…

the young woman sick with Ebola is cured, the search for

In Abidjan, the young woman infected with the Ebola virus is cured. The Ivorian Ministry of Health announced this on Tuesday, August 24. But the Ivorian authorities are still looking for contacts and examining the slightest sign of the virus appearing in the country where no other case has been reported so far. with our…

vaccinations in Abidjan, contact case search in Guinea

The Ivorian health authorities continue to vaccinate against the Ebola virus. During this vaccination day, the authorities focused on a district in Abdijan in Allahkro where the young Guinean passed before being hospitalized. Allahkro, a slum-like neighborhood, was the focal point of the vaccination campaign. This is where the…

Within the highlight: searching for a authorities of

Albert Pahimi Padacké placed on his Prime Minister's jacket, notesChad Information. Yesterday, he was appointed head of the transitional authorities by CMT, the Transitional Navy Council. The president of the Nationwide Rally of Chadian Democrats will not be a novice on this place, the web site remembers. He was the final Prime Minister of President Idriss Déby earlier than the abolition of the Prime Minister's workplace in…

search for the former intelligence chief

Justice and Law Enforcement is looking for Kalev Mutond, the former head of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR), who has been hit by a dozen complaints from former detainees. Kalev Mutond was not home on Thursday, March 11, when police looted his home in Ngaliema municipality. The former strongman during the presidency of Joseph Kabila had not respected the first two summons sent to him by the…

Niger is going to the polls looking for the primary democratic transition

Voting began in Niger on Sunday in an election expected to lead to the West African nation's first transfer of power between two democratically elected presidents. A smooth handover would be a rare bright spot for a country plagued by widespread poverty and violence that has killed hundreds of civilians and soldiers in the past year alone. Niger has experienced four coups since gaining independence from France in 1960. This would also be in contrast to Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea, whose presidents this…

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