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Chad’s economic development, a major failure

Financially, Idriss Déby will not go into the history of his country as a great builder, nor a development architect. His country is at the bottom of the world rankings for development. The oil rent that started in 2003 has hardly helped the population. 187 out of 189 countries, this is Chad's position in the UN ranking for…

Turkey and Libya are stepping up cooperation

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogana received the Prime Minister of the new Libyan government Abdel Hamid Dbeibah on Monday. An extensive visit: 14 ministers and several senior officials accompanied the head of the Libyan government. The program strengthened economic cooperation, especially in hydrocarbons. During a joint…

the rise in prices on construction sites for cement blocks

Prices of imported basic products are still stable or rising in the Central African Republic, despite the gradual resumption of traffic on the corridor connecting Douala to Bangui. This is the case, for example, with the cement price, which has risen by more than 50% since the crisis began in December. "Here's the site,…

“New beginning”, the sector’s cocoa need to

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo and even the Philippines, traders of a new kind are collaborating with chocolate makers to find exceptional beans and set up responsible sectors that pay for planting machines better. Zoom, on Easter Monday, in the 5% of the cocoa market that accommodates the major manufacturers. This…

multinational companies responsible for drop in

In a press release published on Friday, April 2, at the initiative of some thirty organizations, the reduction of the cocoa price to the producer by 25% is seen as a step towards a global multi-actor dynamic aimed at fairer regulation in the sector to get more yields for producers. The Coffee and Cocoa Council (CCC) has…

“There will probably be earnings sharing between

On Wednesday, March 31, the head of the Congolese mining company Gécamines launched a new subsidiary called the General Company of Cobalt. ECG aims to establish the state monopoly on the purchase, processing, conversion, sale and export of artisanal cobalt, which corresponds to 20% of the total cobalt mined in the country. Democratic Republic of Congo is the leader in the sector with 67% of world…

Uranium, a depressed marketplace that might

It is final, the exploitation of the Cominak mine; north of Niger; ends today because its reserves are depleted. A closure that takes place in a global context that is characterized by still very low prices, which undermines the mine's profitability. But China is expected to revive the market in the coming years. After 40…

resumption of labor on the French gasoline web site

Uncertainty remains in northeastern Mozambique, where the French hydrocarbon group Total announced on Wednesday the resumption of construction work on the gas site, which would be operational in 2024. On the same day, suspected jihadists attacked the city of Palma. After withdrawing its staff from the Afungi plant in early…

West African cashew costs are rising

The cashew campaign is in full swing in West Africa, but production forecasts have been revised downwards as in India and Vietnam. As a result, prices are rising and Asia is expected to need African nuts more than usual this year. The misfortune of Asian cashew producers may well make their West African counterparts happy this year. Concerns are confirmed, the cashew nut campaign among the two major producers in India and Vietnam looks less promising this year. Probably for climatic reasons. As a result, Asian…

expelled by Brazzaville, mining corporations

On March 13, Congo-Brazzaville awarded the Chinese Sangha Mining Development the exploitation of three iron deposits in the north of the country. These mining permits were first awarded to three companies linked to Australian interests before the Congolese government took them back in November and angered the miners. They are threatening the Congo with lawsuits and demanding billions of dollars in compensation. The case could lead…

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