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Raw material

DR Congo launches its general mining survey

The Democratic Republic of Congo organizes the general states of the mines, its economy, but which is in contrast to the poverty of the population and the meager economic mobilizations of the state. Bosses from mining companies, civil society and authorities have together made an inventory of the mines since Thursday in Kinshasa.…

South Africa: Rooibos tea now has its SUB

Since May 28, South African rooibos tea has been protected by a controlled designation of origin. A demanding European certification that protects the knowledge and terroir of this product. Only rooibos leaves grown and processed in the Western Cape and part of the Northern Cape will now be sold under this designation in the EU and several other countries. This is the first time an African product has…

Sierra Leone: on Kambui Hill, coffee

In this small West African country, a research group has found traces of a wild coffee that is believed to have disappeared since the early 1960s. in recent years through global warming. "We have been walking for two good hours now, on foot in the Kambui hills, and there we approach the garden to the wild stone shelf ...". Not…

Democratic Republic of Congo “lost” on “Chinese contracts” from

What happened to the money from Chinese contracts in the Democratic Republic of Congo? According to a Congolese NGO, Afrewatch, the state would largely be the loser in what had been described in 2008 as the "contract of the century". A consortium of Chinese companies would grant $ 6 billion in loans to the country and enjoy privileged access to its mineral resources. Afrewatch investigated this "mine…

In Kédougou, young people and students want to

In Kédougou, a landlocked region 700 km from Dakar in southeastern Senegal, young people and students have demonstrated on several occasions in recent weeks. They want to integrate international mining companies that mine gold in their region. An extraction activity that places gold in first place among the exported products, with a 20% increase in exports between 2018 and 2019. Nevertheless, Kédougou…

the coffee sector had a strong impact

The eruption of Nyiragongo volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo has several economic consequences, particularly in the coffee sector. The harvest that is currently taking place in the region is still being done, but the processing of the coffee beans and their transport is on schedule. As a result, planters run the risk of losing money.…

Arlit civil society desires to make clear

Civil society in Arlit, a mining city in northern Niger, organized a press convention on Thursday 13 Might to recall its issues over the situations for the closure of the Akouta uranium mine, owned by Cominak (Akouta Mining Firm), a subsidiary of the French big Orano (previously Areva) ), which ceased operations on 31 March.…

Raw materials: the challenge for the goals

How will the climate goals in the Paris Agreement 2015 be achieved if the minerals needed for energy conversion are not available in sufficient quantity? It's a real headache and that's why the International Energy Agency is ringing alarm bells. To become a good low-carbon student, you must already want, but also have the…

DRC: Cobalt, artisanal mining cooperatives

Within the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the precept of a monopoly on the acquisition of artisanal cobalt granted to the overall cobalt firm EGC shares artisanal mining cooperatives within the Katanga area. For some, this precept dangers suffocating them. For the others, this monopoly from ECG, a public firm, will make it doable to clear the provision chain for this strategic mineral. These…

Whole cancels its gasoline venture as a consequence of a

On Monday, the French group Whole confirmed the closure of its large gasoline venture in northeastern Mozambique. This outbreak comes after a jihadist assault in early April. The hydrocarbon large stated in an announcement that they declared a "power majeure" scenario. It is a technique to defend your self from potential authorized motion. Whole subsequently makes use of the authorized time period "power majeure" as a consequence of the distinctive circumstances created by newest jihadist assault, at the tip of March 2020…

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