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greater than 1,800 prisoners fled after the assault

More than 1,800 prisoners escaped from a prison in southeastern Nigeria over Sunday to Monday following an attack by armed men, the attack has not been claimed, but the suspicion turns to Ipob, the independence group from Biafra, established in the region of Imo, where this attack took place. The Nigerian police chief said…

free up of prisoners, a primary step in the direction of

In Libya, the release, on Wednesday 31 March, was welcomed by more than a hundred prisoners held since the beginning of Marshal Khalifa Haftar's abortive offensive to take the capital in 2019, locally and by the UN. It was on the initiative of a local dialogue group that these prisoners of war were released on Wednesday, March 31. All dressed in white in traditional Libyan clothes. They were greeted by the "family" ululations. The ceremony, which took place in the town of Zawiya, 70 km from Tripoli, in western Libya, was…

Libyan rival sides exchange prisoners as part of UN-mediated ceasefire

Libya's rival sides launched a UN-mediated exchange of prisoners, UN and Libyan officials said on Saturday, as part of a preliminary ceasefire agreement between the fighting Libyan groups. The exchange of the first batch of prisoners, overseen by a joint military committee, took place on Friday in the southwestern village of al-Shwayrif, according to the UN support mission in Libya (UNSMIL). Libya is divided between a UN-backed National Accounts Government (GNA) in the capital Tripoli and rival…

of prisoners tell of the abuse they suffered

In Chad, a few days ago, we told about the discovery of the Chadian Convention for the Defense of Human Rights by a secret prison of the National Security Agency. CTDDH condemns a real death. The government talks about dungeons where prisoners are treated "very well". RFI found five former residents of this detention center, two of whom agreed to testify with their faces exposed.…

Beni prison attacked, hundreds of fleeing prisoners

Early on Tuesday morning, October 20, the prison in the town of Béni in the province of North Kivu was attacked by elements of the ADF movement, according to some authorities. Hundreds of prisoners have reportedly been released. as reported from Kinshasa, Patient LigodiIt was a carefully conducted intrusion around noon. 4…

The abducted Malian politician Soumaila Cissé released after the government released 100 prisoners

Prominent Malian politician Soumaila Cissé, who was kidnapped by unidentified gunmen in March, was released on Wednesday after Mali released over 100 alleged or convicted jihadists as part of negotiations to secure his release. Mali also released the prisoners in hopes of getting the release of abducted French aid worker Sophie Pétronin, who was kidnapped by the shooter in December 2016 in the northern city of Gao. "As part of the negotiations for the release of Soumaila Cisséand Sophie Pétronin, more than a hundred…

one hundred jihadists and prisoners released by the authorities

Several dozen jihadists have been released by the Malian authorities. An operation that could allow the release of hostages in the Sahel. These jihadists had been arrested during several military operations. as reported from Bamako, Currently, there are security and assumptions. Security is the release this weekend of several dozen jihadists and suspected jihadists. According to our information, these releases took place in the territory of Malia in at least two places. Towards the center, and especially in the…

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