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Egypt’s Agriculture Minister Explores Partnerships with Senegal and Somalia

Ah, the hustle and bustle of politics and agriculture! Picture this: Egypt's top brass in agriculture, Minister Alaa Farouk, is out and about wearing his diplomatic hat, rubbing shoulders, and sipping coffee with his chums from Senegal and Somalia. They’re not just discussing the weather, mind you, but something that could put more bread on tables. We're talking turbo-charged agricultural cooperation, and not just your run-of-the-mill type—inspired once more by the thrilling surroundings at the African Union's Extraordinary…

Somali Ambassador and IIU Leader Explore Educational Partnerships

In the vibrant world of academia, the ambassador shone a light on the need to strengthen bonds between International Islamic University (IIU) and Somali educational establishments. The ambassador observed that this could open doors aplenty for young Somali minds. "IIU’s initiatives with international students are a benchmark for global academic outreach," he said with admiration, a sentiment that resonates with many in the educational sphere. Dr. Syed, with his usual verve, underscored IIU's unwavering pledge to embrace…

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