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Conflict in Sudan: Talks Between Warring Parties in Geneva

Sudan Crisis: The World's Gravest Humanitarian Turmoil According to the UN, Sudan faces an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, displacing over 13 million people, either as refugees or internally. These are staggering numbers, painting a grim picture of the current crisis. On Thursday, July 11, Switzerland hosted indirect talks between the warring factions under the United Nations' guidance. These discussions aim to broker a ceasefire and facilitate aid deliveries to those in dire need. “The situation is dire,” remarked…

Headline: Political Parties Amplify Their Voices in Mali News…

Bamako Faces Political Turmoil Amidst Military Tensions Bamako is witnessing a persistent clash between military rulers and political factions. "Political parties insist on the release of their comrades before any talks can proceed," reports They call this detention a "freedom-strangling act impeding open dialogue." Furthermore, they see last week's lift on suspension of their activities as belated and insufficient. As the Pan-African website notes, the objective of Malian political groups is clear: a peaceful…

a collective of political parties condemns

The framework of political parties for a successful transition, this group of Malian political parties condemns in a statement several dysfunctions in the implementation of the ongoing transition. He points to "systematic breaches of commitments" or even a…

Cameroon: four opposition parties create a group

SDF, PCRN, UDC and UMS founded on 11 March 2022 "Union for Change". A joint political action program has been signed by the 16 Members of Parliament who now make up this group. Among them, Cabral Libii, the president of the PCRN party. For him, it was necessary to unite before the ruling CPDM party and its 152 deputies' overwhelming dominance.

political parties take a stand on the calendar for

Theoretically, the presidential and legislative elections are scheduled for the end of February 2022. On that date, the transition must also end. Meetings and declarations from political parties are increasing, as are the positions taken in the vote. There are those who insist that it be kept on scheduled dates, which is also a requirement of subregional and international institutions, and those who…

a coalition of opposition parties is emerging

The political peasants are moving in the country, six months before the January 2022 local elections. An opposition coalition, which includes at least Pastef by Ousmane Sonko, the Senegalese Democratic Party Karim Wade, the Unity and Rally Party (PUR) and Taxawu Dakar is being formed. While discussions are ongoing, no official announcement has been made yet.…

In Somaliland, the two main parties

The presidential party was defeated in the parliamentary elections on 1 June. Democratic progress has been hailed as far as Europe. Somaliland's "international partners" have no complaints law election on June 1. In a statement released on Tuesday, European countries and the United Kingdom simply congratulated Hargeisa on the…

satisfaction with the FCC, the parties’ frustration

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is Kalev Mutondo, former head of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) accused of arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture and attempted assassinations during Joseph Kabila's presidency? The Kinshasa-Gombe tribunal de grande instance (TGI), which had initiated a trial, finally declared itself incompetent to try Kalev Mutondo, but for the prosecution and…

civil society and opposition parties demand

Fighting erupted on Saturday between Chadian national forces and rebels from the Front for Alternation and Concord in Chad. In this context, several opposition parties and civil society organizations signed a call for an end to the fire this weekend. They also ask Idriss Déby to launch an inclusive national dialogue to ease tensions and leave Chadia's president for a week to decide.…

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