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News Update: Rising Number of Missing Persons Reported in Burkina Faso

Rise in Abductions Under Sahel Military Regimes In the Sahel region, where military juntas hold power, a disturbing trend is emerging: the mysterious disappearances of dissidents. Human rights activists, trade unionists, religious figures, journalists, and soldiers vanish without a trace, caught outside any semblance of legal processes. Take Lieutenant Colonel Yves Didier Bamouni from Burkina Faso, for instance. "He's been missing since July 13," notes Jeune Afrique. Armed, masked men reportedly apprehended him…

Remains Discovered in Hunt for Missing British Teenager Jay Slater

Recovery of Missing British Teen Jay Slater's Body in Tenerife Spanish rescue workers have found a body in the area where British teenager Jay Slater vanished almost a month ago, authorities in Tenerife reported. Evidence strongly indicates the remains appear to be of the missing teen, according to local law enforcement. Found near the last known location of Jay's mobile phone, the body was accompanied by his belongings and clothes, the missing persons organization LBT Global, speaking on behalf of his family,…

CAF Champions League: only one is missing

The 5th and penultimate day of the group stage of the CAF Champions League has lifted almost all tension. After Wydad and Petro de Luanda (group D) on March 11 and 12, we know the four qualifiers from groups B and C. In group B, Raja Casablanca is in the lead with 12 points after her 2-0 victory over AmaZulu on March 18. ES Sétif, who beat Horoya 3-2 the same day, follows with 9 points. In Group C, Espérance de Tunis is the leader with 11 points after its net success against Jwaneng Galaxy (3-0) on Saturday 19 March. The…

In search of the missing from the Algerian war

Sixty years ago, the Evian Agreement was signed by representatives of the French Government and those of GPRA, the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic. The next day, the ceasefire was established, eight years after the start of the war, and the…

Missing North Western of Somaliareligious scholar present in Al-Shabaab stronghold

Missing North Western of Somaliareligious scholar present in Al-Shabaab stronghold HARGEISA, Somalia - A controversial North Western of Somaliareligious scholar who has been lacking for days has reportedly been present in an Al-Shabaab-controlled city in southern Somalia, the breakaway area's Interior and Security Ministry has confirmed. "The cleric and his entire family fled to southern…

Somali Prime Minister Roble below stress over coaching of “lacking” troopers in

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble is again under pressure to issue a statement on the disappearance of young soldiers who are said to be training in Eritrea, but whose parents have questioned their parents. Over the past four months, hundreds of parents have demonstrated in Somalia, demanding to know the whereabouts of the young soldiers, who were reportedly airlifted to Eritrea in 2019-2020 for training. The government has remained silent although it admits that indeed soldiers are training…

NISA on website about lacking head of division in Somalia elections

NISA on site about missing head of department ahead of Somalia elections NAIRONI, Kenya - the Somalia spy agency; the National Intelligence Security Agency was indicted following the disappearance of one of his employees, who had worked as a manager for several years. Ikran Tahil Farah, 24, was responsible for cybersecurity at NISA headquarters in Mogadishu before his mysterious disappearance…

Prime Minister Roble pledges to find Somali soldiers ‘missing’ in Eritrea

Prime Minister Roble pledges to find Somali soldiers 'missing' in Eritrea MOGADISHU, Somalia - After street protests in parts of the country, Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has pledged to help locate thousands of soldiers who are believed to be training in Eritrea, though their families are being held in the country. darkness. In recent months, families of young families have called…

Dubbe trained “missing” Somali soldiers in Eritrea as

Dubbe trained in training "missing" Somali soldiers in Eritrea as investigation underway MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali Information Minister Osman Abukar Dubbe was dragged to the missing young soldiers, who are presumably training in Eritrea, although the government makes no commitment to explain their whereabouts. Investigations by Axadlefound that nearly 5,000 young soldiers were smuggled into…

Prime Minister’s Commission on Somalia’s “Missing” Soldiers in the Tigray Conflict

Prime Minister's commission on Somalia's 'missing' soldiers in Tigray conflict dismissed MOGADISHU, Somalia - The commission of inquiry into missing Somali soldiers suspected of having played a role in the Tigray war could be reviewed again, following the latest protest from the opposition, which wants an independent and neutral team given the responsibilities. In a statement, the union of…

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