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authorities ban movement “10 million northerners”

In a decree dated 18 November, Cameroon's territorial administration ministers banned the movement of "10 million northerners" by journalist Guibai Gatama, head of the publication "l'Oeil du Sahel". This ban comes a few months after the association Survie Cameroun by the opponent Maurice Kamto. The authorities consider that this movement "undermines national unity and the principle of peaceful coexistence between the sociological components of the nation". For the Minister of Territorial Administration, the movement "10…

five million voters called for the ballot box

Twelve candidates are in attendance, including outgoing President Alpha Condé seeking a contested third term and his main opponent Cellou Dalein Diallo. The most important elements of this choice. as reported from Conakry,Moctar BahThe polls opened Sunday morning in Conakry, where our correspondent Carol Valade follows the progress of the vote, as in Kankan, the…

40 million more poor in Africa, according to the World Bank

Weighted by the economic downturn from the Covid-19 pandemic, growth in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to fall to -3.3% by 2020, dragging the region into its first economic recession in 25 years, according to the latest regional economic analysis ”, Produced by the World Bank. The pandemic also risks pushing 40 million Africans into extreme poverty and erasing at least five years of progress in the fight against poverty. It is a relaxing figure: 40 million Africans are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, about three…

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