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for Macron, Alpha Condé amended the constitution “only to retain power”

In an interview with the newspaper "Jeune Afrique", the French president looks back on the major projects that have been carried out with Africa since his arrival in the Élysée and can boast a change of method. He tackles Russia and Turkey who want to play against French sentiments according to him and expresses himself about the situation in many countries, starting with Mali. In Mali, Emmanuel Macron does notthis interview, comments on the current transition but recalls that he refuses discussions with jihadist groups…

Macron receives from the Muslim cult the creation of an Imam Council

The French president received the leaders of the Muslim faith on Wednesday, November 18. They gave him, at his request, an overview of an Imam National Council responsible for labeling imams in France, Elysee said. On Wednesday night, Emmanuel Macron received not only CFCM President Mohammed Moussaoui and Chems-Eddine Hafiz, Rector of the Paris Mosque, but also representatives of the nine federations that make up the CFCM. The Imam Council proposed by representatives of the Muslim faith to label imams and give them an…

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