for Macron, Alpha Condé amended the constitution “only to retain power”

In an interview with the newspaper “Jeune Afrique”, the French president looks back on the major projects that have been carried out with Africa since his arrival in the Élysée and can boast a change of method. He tackles Russia and Turkey who want to play against French sentiments according to him and expresses himself about the situation in many countries, starting with Mali.

In Mali, Emmanuel Macron does notthis interview, comments on the current transition but recalls that he refuses discussions with jihadist groups in the country. “We do not discuss with terrorists, we fight,” he said. In Algeria, on the other hand, the French head of state clearly supports President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, whom he considers “brave” despite popular opposition from Hirak.

In nearby Morocco, after the renewed tensions, the last days in Western Sahara, Emmanuel Macron believes between the lines that the African ambitions in Rabat do not allow the country to miss a dialogue and offers France help.

In Cameroon, he urges President Paul Biya to “make gestures of openness” and reminds him of Boko Haram’s progress in the north. Emmanuel Macron also welcomes the peaceful relations with Paul Kagameau Rwanda.

Ouattara “did not want to participate in a third period “

However, he delays more on the situation in Ivory Coast and does not mock words about the opponent Guillaume Soro, who called for a coup from French soil. For Emmanuel Macron, “he does not need to create disorder and his presence in France is not desirable as long as he behaves in this way.”

As regards the disputed third terms for Presidents Alpha Condé in Guinea and Alassane Ouattara in Côte d’Ivoire, the French head of state explains: ‘I do not put the case of Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire in the same category. ”

Emmanuel Macron even apologizes Alassane Ouattara’s approach“I can honestly say that he did not want to run a third period”, that he did it out of “duty” after the dolphin’s death, he explains. However, Emmanuel Macron recalls that he was against the attitude of the Ivorian president and believes that it is now necessary to promote reconciliation and “generational renewal”.

On the other hand, the French president is harsh on his Guinean counterpart. “Of course, Alpha Condé organized a referendum and a change to the constitution just to be able to retain power,” he said. “That is why I have not sent him a congratulatory letter yet.”

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