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A Decade of Journeys: Pope Francis’ Visits to African Nations

Pope Francis' Journeys Through Africa Is there something profoundly inspiring about the presence of a leader who chooses to step into spaces marred by unrest and uncertainty, in the name of peace and understanding? Pope Francis has exemplified this courage through his relentless travels across the globe. Notably, his sojourns in Africa, a continent rich with culture yet fraught with challenges, highlight his unwavering commitment to rebuild bridges through faith and compassion. Exploring the Papal Visits to Africa Over…

How Refugees in Kenya Are Smuggled to Libya: Main Paths and Hidden Journeys

document.getElementById('article').innerHTML = marked(` # A Refugee Camp: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words In a world filled with unsolicited adventures, the tranquil-looking refugee camps in Dadaab, Garissa County, are an ironic launching pad for a perilous journey charted by an audacious human trafficking cartel. These cartels now cast their deceptive nets wider, beckoning unsuspecting Kenyans into their tangled web, dangling dreams of a better life that seldom materialize. As it turns out, these traffickers…

Somalia: Lawmakers Encounter Ongoing Travel Limitations at Mogadishu Airport for Journeys to Baidoa

Somalia: MPs Still Battling Travel Bans at Mogadishu Airport En Route to Baidoa MOGADISHU, Somalia — Federal parliamentarians from the Southwest State of Somalia continue to face hurdles at Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport, particularly when trying to fly to Baidoa. Today, MP Mohamed Sheikh Abdullahi Osman (known as Iiro) was the latest to be blocked from boarding his plane. These travel impediments have ignited a firestorm of anger and criticism from regional leaders and MPs. They argue that these actions…

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