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Hunger Report: The Crisis in Central Africa

Global Food Security Report to be Unveiled at G20 in Brazil During the G20 summit in Brazil, the UN is set to present its yearly analysis on global food security and nutrition on July 24, 2024. This new report points out that the rate of moderate to severe food insecurity has remained constant over the past three years. It highlights varying conditions depending on the region. Latin America has shown notable advancement, making strides against hunger. In stark contrast, the African continent is grappling with a worsening…

UN Reports Nearly 26 Million Sudanese Facing Severe Hunger

Sudan Facing Severe Hunger Crisis: UN Report The United Nations reports that approximately 26 million individuals in Sudan grapple with severe hunger. The crisis shows no signs of abating, worsening with each passing day. Food scarcity plagues the nation, creating a dire situation that demands immediate attention and action. Antonio Guterres, the UN's Secretary-General, highlighted, "This is a humanitarian catastrophe. We must act now to prevent further suffering." Famine looms over countless communities, making survival…

Senegal: Inmates Initiate a New Hunger Strike

Prisoners' Hunger Strike in Dakar Prisoners' Hunger Strike Over Abuse Claims in Dakar In the vibrant heart of Senegal's capital, a desperate call for justice echoed from the confines of the Freedom 6 Penal Camp. On Friday, July 19, inmates embarked on a hunger strike. These prisoners are demanding a meeting with the Minister of Justice and an end to the brutality they allege is daily inflicted upon them by the guards. "We endure relentless beatings and aggression," declared one of the…

Detained Ennahda Leader Hospitalized in Tunisia Following Hunger Strike

Ennahda Leader Imprisoned in Tunisia Hospitalized Following Hunger Strike A leading member of Ennahda, Tunisia's opposition party, has been rushed to the hospital. The politician had embarked on a hunger strike, resulting in deteriorating health. The incident has garnered significant attention. "It's a dire situation for him," remarked a fellow party member, emphasizing the gravity of his condition. For some time now, Tunisia has faced political turmoil. The controversial imprisonment of opposition figures has deepened…

Kenyan hunger cult leader on trial for terrorism

On tonight's edition: The man accused of orchestrating the deaths in the notorious Shakahola Forest massacre appears in court on terrorism charges. The bodies of hundreds of followers of self-proclaimed religious leader Paul Mackenzie have been exhumed from the Kenyan wilderness. Elsewhere, U.S. troops are withdrawing from their base in Niger's capital, completing a key step in their military-led withdrawal from the country. And hundreds of thousands of families in Mozambique's Cabo Delgado region continue to struggle daily…

Global action needed on hunger crisis in East Africa (Oxfam)

In tonight's edition: Widespread hunger across East Africa could become 'a disaster' without funds for the region's most vulnerable communities, aid agency Oxfam warns. Droughts in the region also affect water security. As the World Water Forum continues, Dakar researchers say a holistic approach is needed for change. And we are heading to DR Congo to the rehabilitation center of Lwiro where traumatized monkeys are treated.

13 million are facing severe famine as a result of the drought

Large parts of the country, stretching from southern Ethiopia to northern Kenya and Somalia, are in the grip of a severe drought that has left 13 million people hungry. Everywhere in these regions, where people support themselves mainly on agro-pastoral activities, the three rainy periods since the end of 2020 have been characterized by low rainfall, exacerbated by a grasshopper invasion that devastated the harvests between 2019 and 2021. "Hornet's population makes up only 4% of the global population,…

Meals assist in Ethiopia’s Tigray to finish this

Aid workers in Ethiopia's Tigray region will this week run out of food to deliver to millions of people already living in famine conditions, said the head of the US Government's humanitarian agency. "USAID and its partners and other humanitarian organizations have emptied their stores of food stored in Tigray," said Samantha Power, head of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in a statement late Thursday. War broke out in November between Ethiopian troops and the Tigray People's…

In Morocco, the 100th day of the hunger strike for

In Morocco, journalist Soulaïmane Raissouni continues, imprisoned since May 25, 2020 and sentenced last week to five years in prison for sexual assault, hunger. His health is deteriorating. For 100 days he has stopped eating. Soulaïmane Raissouni's relatives and lawyersare very worried. "Today we are afraid for our lives.…

Africa is the continent where hunger is increasing.

This is one of the UN's goals for sustainable development: to eradicate world hunger by 2030. It will not be achieved. It is now a security. According to the UN, malnutrition and hunger, largely driven by the pandemic and economic crisis, increased further in 2020. Chronic hunger now affects almost 10% of the world's population. Asia is the first to be affected, but the trend is particularly worrying…

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