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Gabon’s oil – dependent economy rolls from Covid-19

Since April, Gabon has been in a state of health. The Central African country is facing a major economic hit as a result of Covid-19 lockdown measures and falling oil prices. The arenas of this unprecedented crisis could remain at Port-Gentil, its oil capital, for a while. Businesses, shops, transportation, tourism and other sectors in the country's economic center are all struggling. Port Gentil has…

the standoff over the reopening of churches continues

Libreville and the churches are now in conflict over the possible opening of places of worship. Faced with the coronavirus pandemic, the Catholic Church has decided to reopen its chapels on Sunday, October 25, while the state has imposed the date of October 30 with believers' obligation to present a negative test before entering places. The church cries out for repression after seven months of closure. At a press conference on Friday 23. October, the spokesman for the President of the Republic, Jessye Ella Ekogha, was…

Anger Gabonese churches demand reopening of places of worship

The coronavirus pandemic is in sharp decline. Almost all positive cases are cured. Last week, only 3 cases were admitted to the hospital. However, the country that has recorded a total of 54 deaths linked to Covid-19 has not delimited all sectors. This is the case with churches, bars and motels. This brings a sense of injustice to the operators in these sectors who are angry today. as reported from Libreville, After waiting more than 6 months, the Christian churches almost revolted against the state. On September 27,…

tensions surrounding the reopening of Gabonese churches, still closed

After endless negotiations on the conditions for reopening places of worship, the Federation of Charismatic, Pentecostal and Revival Church of Gabon decided on September 12 to reopen churches without permission this Sunday despite the Covid-19 epidemic. The government considers the process unacceptable and it acted on Sunday 27th Sunday. During a press conference on Saturday, September 26, Interior Minister Lambert Noël Matha threatened religious leaders who were tempted to defy the ban. "A group of religious leaders has…

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