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Kenya Eliminates Visa Requirements for Africans, Excluding Somalia and Libya

In a vibrant twist to the ever-evolving travel narrative, Kenya has revealed a groundbreaking shift in its visa policy, electing to ax eTA and visa obligations for its African brethren. Well, almost all—Somalia and Libya find themselves on the outskirts of this diplomatic accord, left in the visa-requiring zone due to discernible security qualms. Opening Borders, Opening Hearts Kenya's latest gambit isn't just a tale of policy shifts. It's a heartfelt invitation, a clarion call for vibrant unity across a continent brimming…

Burkina Faso Under Fire for Excluding Human Rights Violations in Official Report

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has taken a dim view of the Burkina Faso government’s recent submission to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, highlighting its glaring omissions regarding human rights abuses. Various organizations advocating for human dignity have urgently appealed for enhanced protections for civilians amidst the ongoing armed struggles. They emphasize the necessity of lifting restrictions placed on journalists, dissenters, and political opponents, while also demanding that those responsible for…

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