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Saudi Arabia’s Support Enables Somalia to Clear $36 Million Debt with OPEC Fund

Somalia Knocks Out $36 Million Debt to OPEC Fund, Thanks to Saudi's Heavy Lifting VIENNA - Somalia has clinched a pact to wipe clean its $36 million arrears with the OPEC Fund. This pivotal move was orchestrated with Saudi Arabia's backing, which extended a bridge loan to ease the repayment. This agreement opens a fresh chapter in Somalia's debt relief saga, aiming to bolster the nation's macroeconomic footing and drive economic rebound.…

Why Somalia Should Consider Bitcoin as a Hedge: Building Economic Resilience

In the face of recent economic turmoil and uncertainties, Somalia has a compelling opportunity to explore the potential benefits of integrating Bitcoin into its national financial strategy. This innovative digital currency could not only serve as a safeguard during turbulent economic times but also act as a catalyst for strengthening Somalia's resilience against future shocks. Somalia, along with many other developing nations, faces a multitude of challenges that can significantly disrupt its economic stability. These…

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