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Djibouti and Somalia Deliberate on Enhancing Strategic Partnership

Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh had a powwow with Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the President of Somalia, to gab about bolstering their nations' teamwork, touching on security and economic matters. In Djibouti, the duo decided to crank up collaborative actions to foster regional peace and stability, aligning with the current political and security vibe. President Mohamud of Somalia touched down in Djibouti on Wednesday, as part of an international jaunt, also hitting spots like Norway, Switzerland, and Turkiye.

Jubbaland State Leader Convenes with Lower House Speaker to Deliberate on Countrywide Progressions

In Mogadishu, the leader of Jubbaland State, Ahmed Mohamed Islam, held talks with Lower House Speaker Sheikh Adan Mohamed Noor Madobe to discuss important national matters. The leaders focused on combating al-Shabab, dealing with potential floods, and addressing political issues in Jubbaland State. The Federal Government's Minister of Animal Husbandry, Hassan Hussein Mohamed Elaay, also joined the meeting to address the impact of floods on livestock in Jubbaland. Severe rains and flash floods have wreaked havoc and forced…

Exploring the Ramifications: Somalia Leaders Deliberate Effects of African Union Troops Leaving

In Mogadishu, Federal and State leaders are analyzing the effects of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troops as they pull out of the nation. At least 5,000 ATMIS soldiers have departed so far under the Somali Transition Plan (STP), with another 5,000 scheduled to leave by June 2024. The remaining troops are expected to exit by December 2024, transferring security duties to the Somali National Army (SNA). In Dhusamareb, regional state ministers for security and police met with central government…

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