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Hafsia Herzi tenderly revives her “good mother”

Before becoming Abdellatif Kechiche's favorite actress, Hafsia Herzi was the daughter of a cleaning lady. With "Bonne Mère", she pays tribute to the brave mother without a man whom he raised in the northern districts of Marseille. This is also where the director returned to shoot this very true story, both touching and universal, which will be released on Wednesday 21 July in theaters in France.…

“Neptune Frost”, the favourite of the competition for

What is left at the end of a festival? Award-winning films, Palme d'Or and then love. "Neptune Frost", directed by the American Saul Williams and the French woman of Rwandan origin Anisia Uzeyman, was the most curious, generous and innovative proposal for this film festival in Cannes 2021. It is the story of a war that does not say without name and a love between an African hacker and a coltan miner on…

The Abobo Museum in Abidjan is hosting an exhibition at

The street enters the museum! In Abidjan, the municipality of Abobo is hosting an exhibition on local street art at the Adama Toungara Museum. A first for graffiti and tags that strewn across the city's roads. It is also a recognition for the artists, still very few to train on the street. as reported from Abidjan, Sidy…

Concerns Africanism with the Congolese

The second part of the Chronicle of Writing Paths that RFI dedicates to the Congolese from the Congo, Valentin-Yves Mudimbe. Author of novels, poetry collections and theoretical essays on Africa, Mudimbe is recognized as one of the leading African intellectuals and philosophers. This year's publication in French of his famous essay The Invention of Africa is an opportunity to discover the essential inspiration of the essential author.…

During the 100 days of Olivier’s kidnapping

It has been more than 100 days since the French journalist Olivier Dubois was kidnapped in Mali. A support meeting was held in Paris in the middle of the day. A banner was displayed in front of the town hall in the 10th arrondissement. The message was clear, open in all speeches: we must talk about Olivier Dubois, we must get…

“Lingui”, a feminist tale by the Chadian director

The most feminist film to date in competition at the Cannes Film Festival has been directed by an African man. In Lingui, Mahamat-Saleh Haroun questions the links and values ​​that are considered sacred in a patriarchal society like Chad: the absolute ban on abortion, the excision of girls and the submission of women. The Chadian filmmaker manages to turn a tragic story into an optimistic utopia thanks…

Chadian Mahamat Saleh Haroun, a filmmaker

Mahamat Saleh Haroun is undoubtedly a personality in Chadian culture. His film "A Screaming Man" is the first film by a Chadian filmmaker to be selected in the official competition at the Cannes Film Festival in 2010. And above all, he won the jury prize. Since then, this prolific filmmaker has made a series of nominations in Venice as well as in Cannes. This year, his film "Lingui" is competing in the…

Belgium wants to list the acquired items from

The Belgian government yesterday (Tuesday) presented a roadmap for listing the objects illegally acquired in the Congo from 1885 to 1960. A global approach to preparing potential refunds without waiting for a formal request from the Congolese authorities. Belgium currently has in its federal collections about 85,000 objects from…

Africa presents via six movies

The Cannes Film Festival, the largest film festival in the world, opened its doors on Tuesday night. The world of the 7th art is breathing again, after a canceled 2020 edition and the 2021 edition moved from May to July. We turn our spotlight on Africa's ambassadors. And this year, the continent is better represented than usual.…

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