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Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy calls for non-intervention in the Tigray conflict

Ethiopia's prime minister rejects growing international consensus on dialogue and a halt to deadly fighting in the Tigray region as "interference", saying his country will handle the conflict on its own. "We respectfully urge the international community to refrain from any unwelcome and illegal interference," said the statement from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's office on Wednesday, quoted by the Associated Press (AP), as government forces surrounded the capital, Tigray, Mekele. "The international…

Ethiopian Prime Minister calls for non-intervention in the Tigray conflict

Ethiopia's prime minister rejects growing international consensus on dialogue and a halt to deadly fighting in the Tigray region as "interference", saying his country will handle the conflict on its own. "We respectfully urge the international community to refrain from any unwelcome and illegal interference," said the statement from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's office on Wednesday, quoted by the Associated Press (AP), as government forces surrounded the capital, Tigray, Mekele. "The international…

Sudan: towards the end of the conflict in Darfur, 17 years later?

This October 3, a historic peace agreement between the Sudanese power and rebel groups, officially ending almost 17 years of war in the country, is to be signed in Juba, South Sudan. A prior agreement has already been signed by all parties at the end of August, with the negotiations taking place for more than a year. It will therefore be the official signature theoretically in the presence of several heads of state from the region, representatives of the African Union and the regional organization Igad (intergovernmental…

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