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Securing Top-Level Financing for His Career in Africa

Athletes Touch Down in Paris for Olympic Games Athletes are arriving in Paris, igniting the buzz and spirit of the Olympics. However, behind these jubilant arrivals lie years of grueling training and preparation. Many athletes' lives veer off the conventional path, reflecting a journey rife with sacrifices. In numerous African nations, a sturdy financial model to back elite athletes barely exists. Consequently, each stride toward the pinnacle of global sport becomes an uphill battle. For the past year, Chadian athlete…

the most important dates of a political career and

Laurent Gbagbo returns to Abidjan this Thursday 17 June after a ten-year absence. Definitely acquitted by the International Criminal Court on March 31, will he renew the thread in a life of political strife? Back to the most important dates of his career. February 9, 1982: The student demonstrations give the power of Félix…

A profession in Ghana, a “triumph” for Afro descendants

Attracted by the dynamics of the area people and a rising market, an increasing number of African Individuals are selecting to settle in Ghana, West Africa's second largest financial system. From our Accra correspondent,A roof within the coronary heart of Accra, within the residential space Asylum Down. The bartender serves…

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