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Cameroon: “Covidgate” continues to agitate

In mid-May, a progress report from the Supreme Court's Court of Auditors on the use of funds from the response to Covid-19 pointed to serious economic deviations, which triggered what is known as "Covidgate". And while the final report for 2020 is complete, its presentation to the Assembly was suspended last week, leading to allegations of opacity in the management of these funds. This amounts to approximately CFA 167 billion, or more than EUR 250 million. .

“We must demilitarize political life”

A campaign was officially launched on Tuesday, June 29, to demand the release of 500 people arrested in Cameroon in connection with the September 2020 demonstrations, at the request of the opposition movement for the Cameroon Renaissance (MRC). The coalition, which is launching the campaign, claims that 125 of them are still being held today.…

Cameroonian Jean-David Nkot exhibits his art

In his latest exhibition in Paris, "Human @ condition", Jean-David Nkot delivers a committed reflection on portraits of diggers to inform the public and, above all, to condemn the dramatic consequences of the mismanagement of African mines. Some look at us, determined. Others smile or are represented laughing, arm in arm, as if…

Martin Camus Mimb’s lawyer reacts to the words from

Following the reaction of the Minister of Marketing for Women and the Family to the so-called "sextape" case in Cameroon, Martin Camus Mimb's lawyer fears that this statement will affect justice and reminds that his client is not worried about the video. sig. Following broadcast a video on the internet where a couple engages in…

In Cameroon, media whirlwind after

A "sex tape" scandal has shaken public space for almost a week in Cameroon. It involves three main characters: a young girl and two men, one of whom is a famous sports journalist, promoter of a radio station in Douala, which is particularly under criticism. The case is such that it triggered a flood of outraged reactions while giving rise to a heated debate about sexism and deviant behavior in the…

“Frakas”, a noir novel about the Cameroonian war

After Requiem pour une République, a noir novel that took place during the Algerian war in 1962, the author Thomas Cantaloube takes up his characters and projects them this time in Cameroon. His new novel, Frakas, has just been published in Série Noire by Gallimard. A former Mediapart journalist, Thomas Cantaloube, wanted to take the war in Cameroon out of oblivion shortly after decolonization. .

NGOs in particular are calling for more controls

While the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund will soon meet to decide on a new loan to be granted to Cameroon, NGOs and civil society organizations are calling on the international organization to demand anti-corruption measures in exchange for government. this loan. Mid-May, a review by the Supreme Court's…

Congo-B and Cameroon in the semifinals of the women’s CAN

Tunisia - Angola and Congo-Brazzaville - Cameroon will be posters for the semi-finals of the African Nations Women's Handball Cup on 16 June 2021 in Yaoundé. The Congolese surprised the Senegalese 21-20 while the Cameroonians crushed the Nigerians 44-14. The semi-finalists have meanwhile won their qualifiers for the 2021 World Cup, which is scheduled for December in Spain.…

A refugee camp, a library

Install bookcases in the nine refugee camps in Cameroon: this is the goal of the Harambee Africa Association, which works to promote reading among the youngest. To start this project, the Gado camp was chosen, not far from the border with the Central African Republic. .

a lawyer was released on bail on appeal

The Yaoundé Military Court yesterday, Wednesday, June 9, decided to release Nicodemus Tanyi Amungwa on bail, as required by the Cameroon Bar and several non-governmental human rights groups, including REDHAC and Human Rights Watch. This lawyer defends especially English-speaking separatist activists, including their leaders,…

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