“We must demilitarize political life”

A campaign was officially launched on Tuesday, June 29, to demand the release of 500 people arrested in Cameroon in connection with the September 2020 demonstrations, at the request of the opposition movement for the Cameroon Renaissance (MRC). The coalition, which is launching the campaign, claims that 125 of them are still being held today.

The organizers launch a website and also plan to communicate on social networks. Alain-Guy Sipowo, legal adviser and spokesman for the Campaign for the Liberation of Political Prisoners in Cameroon, believes it is time for “things to move”.

As a result of these events, hundreds of people were arrested and detained, sometimes deprived of the most basic rights, including the right to a lawyer, and sometimes tortured. So today we are launching this campaign to highlight this situation. With this coalition of citizens in Africa, Europe and North America, we said to ourselves that it was time for things to change and that their release would take place immediately. The campaign’s interest is that this coalition of citizens wants to help demilitarize political life in Cameroon, which has intensified in recent years.

► To read also: In Cameroon, the opposition was hindered by a strong security system


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