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Mauritius: Women Call on Future Representatives

Mobilizing Mauritian Women: A Call to Action Mauritian women are organizing in anticipation of upcoming parliamentary elections, though the schedule remains uncertain. The FAZ women's group convened an assembly of diverse women on Sunday, July 21, in Rose-Hill. Their mission: to communicate a potent message to the politicians and future hopefuls. "Unity and action are our watchwords," stated one member, underscoring the urgency of their cause. Gathering under a clear blue sky, women shared their visions, challenges, and…

interruption of the march at the call of the Wakit Tama Coalition

The opposition's Wakit Tama coalition once again called for taking to the streets of the Chadian capital on Saturday morning, August 21, to challenge the military's handling of the transition. A request had been submitted to the authorities, but the authorities only approved the march for three organizations that had officially signed the request. This created some uncertainty, and the opposition ended…

call for calm after an accident in Kaolack

In the aftermath of the accident that killed four people in Kaolack, in central Senegal, transport workers from Mali and Senegal are mobilizing to restore calm to the population and drivers. In Senegal, the national secretary of the Union des routiers condemns the retaliation from the Senegalese people against the Malian drivers…

In Guinea, the alarm call from those close to Oumar Sylla,

This Guinean activist, also known as Foniké Menguè, is an official of the Tournons la page and the National Front for Defense of the Constitution, FNDC. Oumar Sylla was forcibly arrested on the streets of Conakry in September last year while trying to mobilize citizens for a demonstration against the proposed third term of…

Ennahdha’s strategy between a call for dialogue and the press

Six days after President Kaïs Saïed's decision to fire the head of government and suspend parliament's work, the country's leading political party, Ennahdha, is calling for a national dialogue but is also trying to exert pressure through a media campaign for the president to reconsider. his decision. as reported from Tunis,…

Ethiopian mother and father demand assist to evacuate college students stranded by

Ethiopian parents call for help to evacuate students stranded by the Tigray War ADDIS ABABA - Parents of thousands of Ethiopian students stranded in the war-ravaged northern Tigray region on Friday asked for help evacuating them after the main university warned it could not feed them any longer in due to food and cash shortages. The University of Mekelle, which receives its budget from the…

Alassane Ouattara continues to call for

In the Ivory Coast, there was a feast day this Tuesday, July 20, for the Muslim believers. Believers celebrated Eid al-Kebir, also known as Tabaski in West Africa. President Alassane Ouattara seized the opportunity and demanded a continuation of the national reconciliation process. The head of state had not spoken on the subject since he returned to the country Laurent Gbagbo.…

Migrants: “We call on the European states to

In a report published on Thursday, July 15, the NGO Amnesty International denies the European Union's cooperation in the treatment of migrants and refugees in Libya. She describes their conditions of detention as "cruel" and accuses the EU of being responsible to the Libyan government for these human rights violations suffered by migrants captured in Libya. Details from Sofia Dagna, Refugee and Migration Administrator at Amnesty International France. .

feminists call for law enforcement

In Senegal, the debate on the application of the law criminalizing rape and pedophilia has returned to the table since January 2020. It all started after the rape complaint from a 15-year-old girl against the son of a well-known journalist, the young man who is currently under arrest. The Senegalese feminist collective was mobilized on Saturday, July 3, in Dakar to support all women victims of violence…

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