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Galmudug and Northeastern State Authorities Broker Peace to Halt Conflict in Mudug Region

Garowe (AX) - Officials from the Galmudug and Northeastern State regions have successfully gathered two feuding clan militias, putting a halt to the lethal clashes in Mudug.Galmudug's Security Minister Mohamed Adan Gabobe disclosed on Friday that Galmudug presidential forces have been sent to the trouble spots. He mentioned that Northeastern State's presidential troops will soon bolster them to maintain order and thwart further strife.The clans chose 13 elders each to compose peace squads meant to brainstorm ways to cease…

Turkey Steps In to Broker Peace Amid Somalia-Ethiopia Conflict

Turkey steps in to mediate Somalia and Ethiopia’s sea access conflict ANKARA, Turkey - The Turkish government has proposed a roundtable discussion between Ethiopia and Somalia, aiming to resolve their current spat over sea access, an issue that has ruffled feathers in Mogadishu given Addis Ababa’s actions. Well-placed insiders say Turkey has volunteered to moderate the talks to prevent further conflict that has unsettled the Horn of Africa. Initially,…

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