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Fearless Tuk-Tuk Driver Defies Odds to Sustain Her Family Solo in Burao

Asho Ahmed Nur, 37, is Burao’s lone female tuk-tuk driver in North Western of Somalia. While it’s her bread and butter, it comes with its share of hurdles, given that this gig is known as men's domain.“At the taxi stand, when surrounded by male drivers, people often ask whose bajaj this is. When they learn it's a woman’s, they refuse to hop in! It’s disheartening. Sometimes I ponder quitting, yet I won’t abandon my dreams,” Asho shared with Radio Ergo.According to the local tuk-tuk operators’ association, Burao boasts 4,080…

Prime Minister Barre Commends Brave Somali Forces for Liberating Bulo Haji from al-Shabab Control

Kismayo (AX) - Somali soldiers, along with local clan militias, seized Bulo Haji, a pivotal area around 80 kilometers south of Kismayo, Lower Jubba's capital, on Monday. Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre extolled the Somali National Army and the Jubbaland leadership for triumphing over al-Shabab in Jubbaland. "I commend the National Heroes Army for their valor, diligence, and integrity in freeing the country from the Khawarij," stated Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre. The Prime Minister assured that the liberated zones would…

Victorious Beledweyne Locals Brave Through Shabelle River Deluge, Triumphantly Reclaim Their Homes

In Beledweyne, residents affected by recent floods are making their way back home despite the obstacles presented by the floodwaters and debris still lingering. The Shabelle River inundated parts of the city, particularly Kooshin and Hawa Taako, displacing many families. Bundaweyn and Wohlwadaag also saw flooding. Even though the roads are mud-covered and cluttered with debris, some families have decided to return. One resident from the Radar branch of Kooshin shared, "We rather return despite the mess as the places we…

Brave European Forces Liberate German Freighter from Somali Pirate Capture

The German cargo ship was saved from Somali pirates by the EU anti-piracy force along the Somali coast. The operation highlighted the need for increased surveillance in the region to prevent further attacks. EU forces successfully boarded the Basilisk ship using a helicopter sent from Operation Atalanta. The pirates were forced to retreat after briefly taking control of the vessel. This incident underscores the ongoing threat of piracy in the area. The German cargo ship was ambushed by pirates in Somali waters, despite…

Brave EU Naval Team Saves Cargo Ship from Treacherous Somali Pirates

In Nairobi, the European Union's anti-piracy naval force successfully freed the Liberia-flagged merchant vessel Basilisk from pirates near Somalia, safeguarding its 17 crew members. The Basilisk was traveling from Cape Verde to the United Arab Emirates when it was attacked by pirates in two small boats about 380 nautical miles southeast of Mogadishu on May 23. The crew sought refuge in the ship's citadel, a secure emergency area, while the vessel floated. The captain, who did not reach the citadel, was shot in the arm but…

Brave Somali Troops Wounded in Bold al-Shabab Attack in Bardale: A First-Hand Account

In Bardale, Bay region, al-Shabab militants ambushed government soldiers, leaving three wounded. The Bay region police commander revealed that the attack was thwarted, thanks to a timely intelligence warning. Fortunately, no fatalities occurred, and the military is now on a hunt for the attackers. The Southwest security minister has been present in Bardale recently to eliminate unauthorized checkpoints in the area.

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