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Fueling for Success: The Benefits of Timing Your Pre-Run Nutrition

Running is a very affordable form of cardio you can do anytime, anywhere. Lacing up your sneakers and heading out for an invigorating run five to 10 minutes a day can actually lower your risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease and just about any cause—research says so. If you decide to make running a go-to form of exercise, you may be curious to know whether you should eat before or after a run. We have you covered with everything you need to know about acing and timing your workout…

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Almond Milk: Expert Insights from a Dietitian

Whether in the name of sustainability, health, or food intolerance, you'll likely try plant-based milk alternatives, like almond milk, at one point. While there's an almond milk option tailored to every dietary preference, some are more favorable than others, according to dietitians. And, as a dietitian myself, I would have to agree. For those almond milk consumers who need a bit more guidance on the pros and cons of adding it to your diet, we've got you covered. This article will explore the…

Somalia Nears Reaping Benefits of EAC Membership

Last week, Somalia hosted a pivotal confab, hammering out a scheme to sync its legal systems with those of the East African Community (EAC) to reap the benefits of the regional alliance. EAC member state envoys attended the week-long parley, with the aim of crafting a detailed roadmap for Somalia’s entry into the EAC, marking a key advance in regional camaraderie and economic unity. Gathering in Nairobi from June 17 to 20, and steered by South Sudan's Beny Gideon Mabor, Under-secretary in the Ministry of East African…

Discover the Benefits of Taking Cold Showers: 5 Compelling Reasons to Start Today

Taking a shower doesn't have to stop at personal hygiene. By simply turning down the temperature, you can reap some pretty stellar health benefits. Sure, it will make for a chilling experience, but once you learn about the benefits of cold showers and believe in their positive effects, you'll be hooked. If ice baths and cold therapy pique your interest, you may have heard Huberman Lab Podcast's episode, "Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance," in which neuroscientist Andrew…

Burn Fat Faster: Comparing the Benefits of Interval Walking and Jogging

"Burning fat" is a hot topic. However, the debate between interval walking and jogging might be an even hotter topic among fitness enthusiasts. Both forms of exercise offer unique benefits and can be effective for weight loss, but which one is better for shedding those extra pounds? The truth is, the answer isn't straightforward, as it largely depends on your fitness level, preferences, and overall health. Some people swear by the high-intensity, joint-friendly approach of interval walking,…

Boost Your Weight Loss Goals: Compare the Benefits of Walking vs Biking

When it comes to shedding extra pounds, two of the most practical and accessible exercises are walking and biking. Both offer fantastic health benefits, but the big question is, which one is better for weight loss? Deciding between walking or biking isn't just a matter of preference; it involves looking at how each activity affects your body, how many calories you can burn, and how easily these exercises can fit into your daily routine. Understanding the nuances between walking and biking can…

Discover the Benefits of Carb Cycling for Burning Belly Fat

Carb cycling is a diet plan that switches between days of high and low carbohydrate intake to boost metabolism, burn fat, and improve overall health. It's popular among fitness enthusiasts and those wanting to lose stubborn belly fat by taking advantage of the body's natural metabolic processes. By changing the number of carbs you eat, carb cycling provides the energy needed for tough workouts on high-carb days while promoting fat-burning and better insulin sensitivity on low-carb days. In this…

Maximizing Fat Burn: Comparing the Benefits of Running vs. Incline Walking

Time is precious, especially when it comes to spending your limited free time working out. If your fitness goal is to trim fat and slim down, it's crucial to make sure you are doing just the right exercises to get the most results for your effort. With this in mind, we spoke with a trainer to learn which burns more fat: running or incline walking? Get ready to kick your cardio routine into high gear and move closer toward your goals. The quick and easy answer is running. "Typically, running…

Discover the Eight Incredible Health Benefits of Incorporating Brown Rice into Your Diet

Rice is often feared for its carbohydrate content, but as a dietitian, I recommend brown rice as a nutritious staple for those seeking to improve their diet quality. Brown rice is a whole grain, meaning it contains all three parts of the grain: the fiber-containing bran, the nutritious germ, and the carb-rich endosperm. This makes it a valuable addition to a balanced diet, offering essential nutrients and promoting overall health. Whether enjoyed as a side, in a healthy stir-fry, or sushi, brown…

Unlocking the Benefits of Whole Wheat Bread: 8 Ways it Boosts Your Health

Bread has gotten a bad reputation, and as a dietitian, I feel that reputation has been unfairly dished out. Bread is a good source of carbohydrates, the macronutrients your body prefers for energy. While eating a meal of just plain white bread isn't ideal, including bread as part of an overall balanced meal with plenty of protein and healthy fats is a great way to achieve balance in your diet. If you want to make your bread work extra hard for you and still taste amazing, I recommend 100% whole…

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