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Appellate Court Affirms Conviction of British Citizen Tied to ISIS

Feast your eyes on this image, courtesy of the Alexandria Sheriff's Office, showing El Shafee Elsheikh on Oct. 7, 2020, in Alexandria, Va. (Alexandria Sheriff's Office via AP)A federal appellate court upheld the judgment Friday against a Briton for his involvement in a decade-old Islamic State kidnapping plan that ensnared about 24 Westerners.In 2022, El Shafee Elsheikh was found guilty and received a life term in a Virginia federal court in Alexandria. At trial, jurors learned he was part of the infamous “Beatles” crew,…

UN Appeals for Increased Aid Following Easing of Devastating Rains in Somalia

The United Nations' humanitarian wing issued an urgent plea Monday for extra funds to address the fallout from the Gu rains (April-June) in Somalia as dry spells are forecasted soon. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that 10 people lost their lives and 268,359 others were impacted by the rains, which also ravaged crops, public amenities, and other sources of livelihood. “Rapid needs assessments have been deployed in Hirshabelle, Jubaland, and Northeastern State States,"…

a cyber activist convicted after appeals to

A social media activist was sentenced to five years in prison for posting a clip in which she demanded attacks on Nigerian citizens. Return after a video that was incorrectly presented as representing Ivorians who had been beaten in Niger. as reported from Abidjan, Sidy YansaneHis face is everywhere on social networks and in…

The ICC Appeals Chamber confirms

In the decision read by Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji on Wednesday, the Board of Appeal of the International Criminal Court states that it rejects the prosecutor's appeal and confirms the decision at first instance. In January 2019, the former Ivorian president and former leader of the Young Patriots was acquitted. .

UNHCR appeals to assist Eritrean refugees

For the first time since the conflict began in Tigrayan last November, a team from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees was able to visit the Eritrean refugee camps in the northern Ethiopian region. The UN agency confirms that two of these camps, Shimelba and Hitsats, have been completely destroyed. The 20,000 passengers in the two camps were scattered throughout Ethiopia. The UNHCR must therefore find an urgent solution for thousands of refugees, as Boris Cheshirkov, its spokesman for East Africa, explains. What…

Henri Konan Bédié appeals to the UN

Thousands of opposition activists and sympathizers gathered on Saturday, October 10, at the Félix-Houphouët-Boigny Stadium in Abidjan for a large rally against Alassane Ouattara's candidacy for a third term and for environmental reform. elections before the October 31 presidential election. as reported from Abidjan, Henri Konan Bédié once again condemned the "violation of the Constitution" and accused Alassane Ouattara in particular of "high treason" and the Constitutional Council of "perjury." "The RHDP's dictatorship…

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