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enchantment to Kalev Mutondo, former head of

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, double arrows by Alain Atundu, the last intelligence chief under Mobutu Sese Seko. The first is launched against the Congolese state, which is prosecuting Kalev Mutondo, the former director general of the dreaded National Intelligence Agency (ANR). He is accused by former detainees of torture, arbitrary detention, inhuman treatment and attempted murder. The second…

attraction lawsuit in opposition to “the hidden girl” of

In Algeria, the appeal of "Madame Maya", presented as the hidden daughter of ex-president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, was held over the weekend in Tipaza, in western Algiers. This lawsuit is presented as a symbol of the fight against corruption. Initially, on October 14, Zoulikha-Chafika Nachinache (real name) posing as the daughter…

in the absence of consensus, the CDP will not appeal

The Congress of Democracy and Progress, the party of former President Blaise Compaoré, says it "notes" the preliminary results of the presidential election, announced by the Electoral Commission. The CDP had planned to appeal its findings following the irregularities observed during the vote. However, in the face of the lack of unanimity and consensus with the other opposition parties that signed the…

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