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Ivory Coast: A Literacy Center Aims to Offer More

Empowering Women Through Literacy in Côte d'Ivoire For nearly a quarter-century, the International Association of Women of Côte d'Ivoire (AIFCI) has been lifting women—regardless of age—out of illiteracy. The free center, powered by dedicated volunteers, offers a lifeline in Anoumabo, a bustling neighborhood brimming with people eager to learn. At the heart of Anoumabo's literacy center, life pulses with activity. Women of all ages gather, united by the common goal of learning. Bema Kamagate, a volunteer CP2 teacher,…

Global Conference in Libreville Aims for Enhancement

Experts Tackle Boat Safety in Gabon Waters Since July 17, Libreville has been the meeting ground for specialists from West and Central Africa, discussing boat safety in Gabon's inland waters. This gathering brings together a plethora of brains buoyed by support from major maritime entities like the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa (OMAOC), and the Federation of International Shipping Associations (FISM). The African Union and the African Development Bank are…

Palestinian Swimmer Aims to Represent the Voiceless at Olympics

Palestinian Swimmer Aiming for Olympic Glory in Paris Valerie Tarazi, a swimmer representing Palestine in the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, expressed her mission as "standing for those who can't." A contingent of eight Palestinian athletes will make their way to the French capital, among them is the 24-year-old Tarazi. Though she was born in the United States, Tarazi's roots trace back to Gaza through her grandfather, with family still residing there. During a gathering in Ramallah on the eve of their departure,…

“The Paris summit goals to start out a dynamic

Benoît Chervalier is an funding financial institution, instructing at Sciences Po Paris and at Essec (Larger College of Financial and Business Sciences). A debt and finance specialist in Africa, he advises governments and corporations on the topic. RFI: France organizes a global summit on financing and debt points in Africa. French President Emmanuel Macron can…

Senegal aims to produce its own

According to the World Health Organization, less than 2% of vaccine doses have been administered in Africa. Most come from the Covax initiative, which is led by the WHO. Given the risk of shortages, Senegal aims to produce its own vaccines. as reported from Dakar,Charlotte idracTarget shown: early 2022. The Pasteur Institute…

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