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The Covid-19 crisis is a severe blow to the remittances of African diasporas

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa is concerned about the decline in remittances from African diasporas. With the global economic crisis, these diasporas are sending less money to the countries of origin. This year, the decline is expected to reach 21% or 18 billion. Dollars less compared to 2019. The forecasts are alarming. Transfers will go from $ 85 billion in 2019 to $ 67 billion this year. And for many families living in anticipation of the manna sent by parents who have gone “north,” this is a…

South African artist Reggie Khumalo paints to condemn hunger

In Johannesburg, artist Reggie Khumaloa unveiled an exhibition inspired by her journey with the World Food Program (WFP) in Mozambique. The 33-year-old South African, who became prominent with his motorcycle trips across the continent, earlier this year followed the UN body, which has just been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was able to meet victims of food insecurity, caused largely by climate…

Ten years in prison for a South African banker in the VBS affair

The head of the South African bank VBS was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He is accused of plundering the economy of the poorest. It is one of the biggest corruption scandals in South Africa. On Wednesday, former CFO Philip Truter was the first to be convicted in the VBS case. VBS-mutual bank was nicknamed "the bank of the poor". Founded at the height of apartheid in 1982 in Venda, a former Bantustan far north in the country reserved by the white authorities for black communities, the bank housed the money for the most…

release of emergency aid to 28 countries, including 22 African

The IMF is still at the bedside of the poorest in this time of global crisis. The fund on Monday approved new emergency aid for 28 countries, 22 of which are in Africa. The money received will allow them to either alleviate their debt or help fund the fight against the effects of the pandemic, the IMF says. Last April, The IMF relieved the debt in 25 countries among the poorest by activating an emergency mechanism, the Trust Fund for Assistance and Response to Natural Disasters. A fast and efficient tool, a giant purse of…

Concerns over African debt following Zambia’s difficulties

Zambia has failed to secure a moratorium on its Eurobond debt from its private creditors. Zambia is one of the many countries that have become indebted to Eurobonds in recent years. As the IMF worries about an alarming rise in debt in Africa, several African countries could quickly default on their payments. The event did not…

Central African Republic: “We are ready to go to the polls”

In front of the members of his party, the United Hearts Movement, Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéraa announced on Saturday his candidacy for the presidential election scheduled for December 27 in the Central African Republic. "It is a heavy responsibility. A very heavy responsibility. I agree to be your candidate, ”the head of state declared. Évariste Ngamana, chief rapporteur and spokesman for the MCU, which held its first congress there, answers RFI's questions. .

a plague on the economies of the African continent

Corruption, smuggling, tax evasion ... Capital flight would represent $ 88 billion a year in lost earnings for the continent. An estimate from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Unctad. According to the UN, the capital flight on the continent would represent $ 88 billion, but since this is illegal practice, it is an estimate. A rather low estimate even indicates Unctad. These $ 88 billion lost to African countries more or less represent what the continent receives each year if we add official…

Why is African cattle so resilient?

They are important for the economic and social life of many populations on the continent: oxen show remarkable adaptation to climatic and health constraints in Africa. An international group of researchers wanted to understand where their resilience comes from. They therefore studied the genetic code of 172 cattle from 16 representative breeds such as the widespread sanga, zanga and zebu. The research results were published on Monday, September 28 in Nature Genetics. In Africa, cattle are mainly the result of a cross…

African court requests that former Ivorian President Gbagbo’s suffrage be restored

Ivory Coast should allow former President Laurent Gbagbo, who is barred from running in next month's main presidential election, to vote in the vote, the African Court of Human Rights and Peoples' Rights said on Friday. The court, set up by members of the African Union in 2004, asked Côte d'Ivoire to "take the necessary steps to immediately remove all obstacles" that prevented Gbagbo from being added to the electoral roll. Ivory Coast withdrew its recognition of the Court's jurisdiction back in April this year.…

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