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North Western of Somalia legislators reject accusations against MP Abiib for the second occasion.

North Western of SomaliaLawmakers Once Again Dismiss Charges Against MP Abiib In a remarkable turn of events, North Western of Somalialawmakers have once again rejected charges against MP Abiib, stirring up intense debate. The ongoing detention of Abiib has sparked significant outrage, with detractors arguing it’s an orchestrated attempt to silence opposing voices. Mohamud Hashi Abdi, the spirited Chairman of the Kaah Party, has been particularly emphatic in his denunciation of this situation. He asserts, “The absence…

Golaha Wakiilada Gobaladda Waqooyi oo markale diiday dacwada Xildhibaan Maxamed Abiib, iyo cambaaraynta xadhigiisa oo sii kordhaysa

Axad, September, 8, 2024 (AX) - Golaha Wakiilada Gobaladda Waqooyi ayaa markale cod aqlabiyad ah ku diiday eedaha loo haysto Xildhibaan Maxamed Abiib, sidookale, cambaaraynta ka dhan ka ah xadhigiisa ayaa sii kordhaysa. Golaha Wakiillada ayaa fadhi ay maanta yeesheen markii labaad diiday, dacwado ka dhan ah xildhibaanka, iyaga oo diiday waraaq xeer ilaalinta uga timid oo golaha lagaga codsanayay in uu ansxiyo sheegashada xeer ilaalinta ee ah in la qabtay isaga oo danbi faraha kula jira, 43 kamid ah 47 xildhibaan oo golaha…

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