North Western State of Somalia Enters Agreement with UAE Company to Upgrade Mineral Testing Facilities

Mogadishu (AX) — A groundbreaking partnership was forged between North Western State of Somalia’s Ministry of Minerals and Energy and Emirates Industrial Laboratory, a hub from the UAE, aiming to transform the mineral testing landscape in Dahabshiil’s neck of the woods.

Ink dried on the agreement in Dubai, where Mohamed Osman Said, the heavyweight at North Western State of Somalia’s Ministry, gave Emirates Industrial Laboratory the green light. With this deal, North Western State of Somalia shuns the hefty task of outsourcing mineral testing to the likes of India, South Africa, and Dubai.

Mohamed Osman Said made headlines by conveying that constructing top-notch mineral testing setups stands front and center in this deal. “Our aim,” he expressed, “is to craft a lab that not only raises the bar but redefines it, vying for the title of crème de la crème in East Africa.”

In a chat with the BBC Somali service, Said remarked, “Shipping mineral samples abroad was a real pain, pricey, and took a dog’s age.” He’s juiced about the new facilities, anticipating they’re going to cut through the red tape, making testing just around the corner a cinch.

The deal sheds light on safety concerns that have plagued mining in North Western State of Somalia, a realm fraught with unskilled laborers working in dodgy situations that have, at times, turned fatal. By ushering in this lab, the Ministry hopes to bump up safety standards—right nifty, aye?

The absence of local testing venues has been a stickler, inflating expenses and scaring off would-be investors from North Western State of Somalia’s mining stage.

With over three decades under its belt, Emirates Industrial Laboratory plays a vigorous role in the field and has staked its claim in various places across the Middle East. Its forte is not only in mineral and oil acumen but it also brings to the table environmental insights and a wingman role for engineers needing a hand.

A snapshot from Dubai captures Mohamed Osman Said of North Western State of Somalia’s Ministry of Minerals and Energy, putting pen to paper alongside the head honchos from Emirates Industrial Laboratory. CREDIT / North Western State of Somalia Ministry of Minerals and Energy

Edited by: Ali Musa

Axadle international–Monitoring

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