Xeebaha Liibiya waxaa laga raadinayaa Tahriibayaal Soomaali

Hay’adda Socdaalka Adduunka ee (IOM) ayaa sheegtay in Jimcihii ay rogmatay doon ay la socdeen tahriibayaal ka tagay Xeebaha Dalka Liibiya, waxaana la xaqiijiyay Geerida 3-ruux, halka raq iyo ruux lagu waayay 13-kale. IOM ayaa sheegtay in doontaan oo ka tagtay Xeebaha Liibiya ay afka gelisay Badda Mediterranean-ka, dadaal lagu raadinayo nolol ama geeri dadka dadkaan ayaa ka socda xeebaha dalkaan dhaca Waqooyiga Afrika. Kalluumeysato Liibiyaan ah ayaa oo wadatay Doon ayaa…

Lafta gareen & Deni oo ku heshiiyay Amniga, Iskaashiga & Is

Madaxweynaha DG Puntland Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayay ayaa labadii cishe ee lasoo dhaafay Magaalada Baydhabo u joogay wada-xaajood gaar ah oo uu la qaatay dhiggiisa Koofur Galbeed Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed Lafta gareen. Munaabad lagu soo sagootinayay oo xalay ka dhacday Magaalada Baydhabo waxa ay ku kala saxiixdeen heshiisyo labada maamul Goboleed ay wada gaareen, kadib wada-xaajodkii dhexmaray.   DG Puntland iyo Koonfur Galbeed ayaa ku heshiiyay…

Jowhar oo lagu xiray Shaqsiyaad lala xiriiriyay Amni darro.

Ciidamada ammaanka Dowlad Goboleedka Hir-Shabeelle ayaa howlgalo lagu baarayo Gaadiidka iyo dadka la socda waxa ay ka sameeyeen Xaafadaha Magaalada Jowhar oo xarun u ah maamulkaas. Dad u badan dhalinyaro oo ay hay’adaha ammaanka ku tuhmeen in ay katirsan yihiin Al-Shabaab iyo dilalkii ugu dambeeyay ee ka dhacay Magaalada Jowhar ayay kusoo qabteen baaristooda. Qaarkood waala sii daayay, halka shaqsiyaadka kale ay la aadeen saldhigyada ay ku leeyihiin Magaalada Jowhar oo xarun u…

BFS oo maanta cod gelinaya heshiis Siyaasadeed laga gaaray

Labada Gole ee BFS ayaa maanta oo Sabti ah waxa ay kulan wadajir ah ku leeyihiin Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana la horgeynayaa heshiiska dhexmaray Madaxweyne Farmaajo, Madaxda DG iyo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir. Xildhibaannada iyo Senatarada waxaa loo diray fariinta ajendaha kulanka maanta, waxaana la horgeynayaa heshiiska siyaasadeed oo qodobada ugu weyn ay tahay doorashada dalka, nuuca ay noqoneyso, ergada kursiga xildhibaanka dooraneyso iyo meelaha loo cayimay. Halkii kursi…

Madaxweynaha Jabuuti oo QM ka dalbaday taageerista Heshiiska

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo khudbad ka jeediyay Meertada 75-aad ee Golaha Ammaanka Qaramada Midoobay ayaa qayb kamid ah hadalkiisa waxa uu diiradda ku saaray Xaaladda Soomaaliya. Geelle ayaa dul istaagay heshiiska siyaasadeed ee doorashada Dalka 20/21 oo ay kala saxiixdeen Madaxweyne Farmaajo, Hoggaamiyaha DG hoostaga Dowladda iyo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir. Waa uu bogaadiyay, waxaana uu Qaramada Midoobay ka dalbaday Madaxweynaha Jabuuti…

Premier League Fantasy Picks: Jesus and Mane represent the captain’s riddle

With all 20 Premier League teams now back in action, blocking and fine-tuning fantasy football bosses around the world as they seem to find the perfect balance between solid but deadly. It is fair to say that we have already had a few surprises (at least for the fantasy football world) this season, with Manchester United players barely jumping home to Crystal Palace (looking at you, Bruno Fernandes), Liverpool shipment three to promoted Leeds United on the first day and Dominic Calvert-Lewin led the scoring list.…

Klopp pays tribute to Liverpool’s ‘identity’ and tackles the Brewster future

Jurgen Klopp wants another goal kick from Liverpool this season as questions continue to surround the Anfield future of young striker Rhian Brewster. When he won the Premier League title last season, Liverpool rattled in 85 goals across 38 games, beaten only by second-placed Manchester City. The top three of Mohamed Salah, Sadio Mane and Roberto Firmino have fresh competition after Diogo Jota arrived from Wolves and Klopp would very much like to see Liverpool prove to be as strong as ever this term. Whether Brewster…

Mendy is not ready to start for Chelsea as Lampard is planning talks with Kepa

Frank Lampard has confirmed that Edouard Mendy is not in contention to start for Chelsea against West Brom on Saturday. Chelsea this week reportedly paid £ 22million to sign goalkeeper Mendy from Ligue 1 side Rennes. The 28-year-old is expected to take over from Kepa Arrizabalaga, who the Blues made the most expensive goalkeeper in the world when they signed him from Athletic Bilbao for £ 71.6m. £ i August 2018. Kepa have made two mistakes that have led to goals in so many Premier League appearances this season, however,…

He has changed the whole mood of Arsenal – Klopp pays tribute to ‘exceptional’ Arteta

Jurgen Klopp has described Mikel Arteta as an "extraordinary football manager" as he targets his first win over Arsenal since the Spaniard launched his revolution in north London. Liverpool manager Klopp saw his championship-winning team fall to a rare Premier League loss in July when they faced Arteta's Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium. Arsenal then inflicted a penalty kick defeat against Liverpool at Community Shield in late August, leaving Klopp still on the lookout for the elusive victory over Pep Guardiola's former…

Mourinho: Spores are still trying in the transfer market

Jose Mourinho has reiterated that Tottenham remain eager to make even more additions to their squad in this transfer window. Spurs have so far brought in four new players, adding last week Real Madrid pair Sergio Reguilon and Gareth Bale to a squad already strengthened by Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg and Matt Doherty. Inter Milan Skriniar and Southampton Danny Ings have also been linked with the club in north London, with Mourinho targeting both a center-back and a central striker who could replace Harry Kane. "The market is…

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