Burkinaction, a growing network of young job seekers

Every year in sub-Saharan Africa, eleven million young people enter the labor market. Finding a job is a challenge and improving employability, ie. the ability to find a job is one of the most important goals of the Burkinaction Association. Spotlight on this initiative which already has ten thousand members.

Joël Bamogo is a young entrepreneur. At the end of 2018, he created Yelen Assurances, a micro insurance company. But in the labor market in Burkinabè, it is difficult to find the right profiles. “It must be said that it is perhaps the most critical step in the development of the project to find the right people, ready to join us in the mission.”

He then turned to Burkinaction, both a network and a platform for connecting managers and employers. “We recruited two profiles, mainly through him. A lady who is a project manager with us, and also a more technical profile, an insurance technician. ”

Burkinaction is a non-profit association, created in 2016 by Djoari Olivier Ouaba. This former financial analyst, who worked in France and the United States, first and foremost wanted to create a network of executives from the diaspora who were anxious to find a job in Africa.

“We have about a hundred people who have found opportunities in the sub-region thanks to the Burkinaction platform and also the advice we were able to give to these people. And when it comes to advice, these are simple questions. How is your return to Burkina Faso? What are the things you should think about? How to prepare better? Etc. In the end, all these people need to see that others have done it before them. There are many Burkinabè in the diaspora who want to return to Burkina. ”

But Burkinaction is not limited to the diaspora. Today, ten thousand people are registered, mostly in West Africa, Europe and the United States. They get free advice, including how to respond to a job offer or write a resume. However, Burkinaction is not a giant recruitment company and intends to remain a network aimed at strengthening employability. “It is obvious that employability will be one of the biggest challenges. In fact, it is already when we know that 60% of Burkinabè are under 25 years old, tomorrow we must find a job for all these people. So a recruitment company or headhunter would be too restrictive. We really want to do much more. ”

In addition to job offers and support for young graduates, the Burkinaction network eventually plans to offer training through incubation programs for companies.


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