In the news: “Behind the scenes of a liberation”

"Behind the scenes of a liberation". It is a title that we find at the same time on the front page of Le Figaro and on the front page of Liberation exactly when Le Monde prefers to show "the end of the ordeal for Sophie Pétronin". Because, of course, the newspapers are returning to the release of this 75-year-old French humanitarian, Thursday night after nearly four years of captivity in Mali. A liberation, yes, and "a lot of questions" according to Le Parisien Today in France. The first of them on Emmanuel Macron's…

Luis Suarez Oo Shaaciyey Waxa Uu Samayn Doono Haddii Uu Gool

Weeraryahanka reer Uruguay ee Luis Suarez ayaa sheegay inuu tilmaan bixin doono haddii uu gool ka dhaliyo Barcelona marka ay iska hor yimaaddaan kooxdiisa hore iyo Atletico Madrid.Laacibkan ayaa sii wada weerarka uu ku hayo maamulka sare ee Barcelona oo si aanu la dhacsanayn uga soo caydhiyey naadiga iyagoo burburiyey heshiiskiisa, waxaana loosoo dhex maray tababare Ronald Koeman oo u sheegay in aanu qorshihiisa ku jirin oo ay ciyaar la’aani ku dhacayso haddii uu sii joogo, waxaanay taasi keentay inuu Atletico Madrid ugu…

Ciidan katirsan Howlgalka AMISOM oo lagu weeraray Shabeelaha

Askar katirsan Ciidanka Uganda ee ku jira Howlgalka Ururka Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM ayaa lagu weeraray wadada isku xirta Shalaanbood & Marka, waxaana ka dhashay khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Weerarka ayaa ku bilawday miino lagu qarxiyay mid kamid ah Gawaarida Ciidanka Uganda, waxaana xigay dagaal toos ah oo dhexmaray Ciidamada AMISOM gaar ahaan kuwa Uganda iyo Al-Shabaab. Dhinacyada dagaalamay waxaa gaaray khasaare dhimasho & Dhaawac, Al-Shabaaab ayaa dhankeeda…

behind the scenes of the release of the hostages, tough negotiations

The release on Thursday night of the four hostages in Mali, Soumaïla Cissé, Sophie Pétronin and the two Italians, Nicola Chiacchio and father Pier Luigi Maccalli, came after long and difficult negotiations with a long uncertain outcome. A ransom would have been paid and many jihadists were released by the Malian authorities. A look back at what we know about the negotiations and the compensation required. with our correspondent in Bamako, On April 5, a few days after the kidnapping of Soumaïla Cissé, the then Prime…

Somalia’s presidential campaigns shift to Nairobi ahead

NAIROBI, Kenya - The presidential election scheduled for February 2021 appears to have shifted to Nairobi as leading candidates plan to defeat President Farmajo, whose term has been shaken by major divisions inside and outside the government, with international partners also raising concerns about the alleged human rights abuses. The country's leadership agreed to hold elections from December this year after a long-running dispute over the election model among other contentious issues settled after months of…

Dangerous Habits That Give You Stomach Fats

Behavior: It is that factor that we do once we're not being attentive to what we're doing. However what in case you may change your habits in order that you would begin dropping fats routinely — with out ever having to consider it? New analysis says that you could — and it is simpler than you assume. We develop habits as a result of they save us time and vitality (you do not have to consider whether or not to make espresso within the morning, you simply do it),…

Manchester City Oo Loo Sheegay Tababare Uga Wanaagsan Pep

Manchester City ayaa lagula taliyey inay haddaba sii calaamadsadaan tababaraha ay ku beddelayaan Pep Guardiola marka uu heshiisku ka dhamaado ee uu iskaga tago.City ayaa qaab aan fiicnayn ku bilaabatay xili ciyaareedkan, waxaana iskugu xigay guul-darro xanuun badan oo kasoo gaadhay Leicester City oo shan gool ka dhalisay iyo barbarro xigay oo Leeds United ay wada galeen, iyadoo kooxda horyaalka ku cusub ay u qalmaysay inay guuleysato marka loo eego fursadihii ay heleen.Darren Bent ayaa Manchester City u sheegay inay si…

AU forces and SNA promise to crush Al-Shabaab in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army and the African Union Mission Forces has promised to work closely together to coordinate joint military operations against the Al-Shabaab militants, with the liberation of several strategic cities in the country a high priority. On Thursday, Force Commander Lieutenant General Diomede Ndegeya, SNA Land Forces Commander Brig Gen Abas Amin Ali and AMISOM and SNA sector commands agreed to be important in setting up a Joint Operations Coordination Cell. The team signed a…

Madaxweynayaasha Cuba & Kenya oo kawada hadlay Dhaqaatiir

Madaxeynaha Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel ayaa Jimcihii xiriir la sameeyay Dhiggiisa Kenya Uhurru Kenyatta oo ay kawada hadleen xaaladda iyo xorriyadda labo dhaqtar oo Al-Shabaab u afduuban sanad iyo bar. War kasoo baxay madaxtooyada Havana ayaa lagus heegay in wadahadalkaan uu ka dhashay kadib markii Dowladda Cuba ay kordhisay xiriirka salka ku haya walwalka dhaqaatiirtaan gacanta Al-Shabaab ku maqan tan iyo April 2019-kii. “Waxa aan wadahadal taleefoon oo miro dhal ah la yeeshay…

Marcus Rashford Iyo Aubameyang Oo Runta Ka Sheegay

Weeraryahanka reer Brazil ee Roberto Firmino ayaa qaab ciyaareed liita muujiyey kulankii Aston Villa ay sida xun ugu burburisay kooxdiisa ee ay 7-2 ku garaacday, waxaana uu luminayay kubbado meelo xaasaasi ah maraya oo uu baasas aan fiicnayn iyo laag aan waqtigiisa joogin uu samaynayay, laakiin kalidii kuma ahayn ee kooxda oo dhan ayaa sidaa iskaga burbursanayd.Arrinta walaaca ku haysa Liverpool ayaa waxay tahay in Roberto Firmino aan bandhiggisii fiicnaa laga arag siddeed ama sagaalkii bilood ee uug dambeeyey oo uu ka…

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