Bellator 248, the first worldwide dubbing of MMA in France

After many years of criticism, mixed martial arts (MMA) has finally found a place in France. The practice of MMA, approved since February 2020 on French soil, has just experienced a leap forward with the possession of the Bellator 248 at the Accor Arena - Paris Bercy, on Saturday 10 October. An evening marked with a milestone for this sport.…

South African artist Reggie Khumalo paints to condemn hunger

In Johannesburg, artist Reggie Khumaloa unveiled an exhibition inspired by her journey with the World Food Program (WFP) in Mozambique. The 33-year-old South African, who became prominent with his motorcycle trips across the continent, earlier this year followed the UN body, which has just been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was able to meet victims of food insecurity, caused largely by climate…

UK oo abaalmarisay Sarkaal howlo Ciidan ugu fuliyay

Rod Hansen oo ah Taliyaha Booliiska Ismaamulka Gloucestershire ee Dalka Ingiriiska ayaa la siiyay abaalmarinta boqortooyo ee lagu maamuuso shaqsiyaadka waxqabadka wanaagsan ee dalkaas iyo waddamada kale maamul ahaan u hoostaga. Ninkaan lagu abaalmariyay kadib markii door wanaagsan uu ka qaatay howlaha dhanka Ciidanka gudaha iyo dalalka ka baxsan sida Soomaaliya, Kenya iyo Uganda oo uu khibrado ciidan ku biiriyay. Hansen ayaa hantay biladdaan oo soo jireen ahayd tan iyo 19-kii…

expected the Ghanaian president in Bamako with a message of “solidarity” from ECOWAS

The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, the current President of ECOWAS is expected this Sunday, October 11 in Bamako for a few hours. He is the first head of state to visit Mali since ECOWAS lifted the embargo. He comes to take stock of the political transition, discuss the next steps so that the election deadlines are met. But his first message will be "solidarity with Mali". as reported from Bamako, It is first and foremost a journey to mark ECOWAS 'solidarity with Mali. The country finds its place in the…

In Madagascar, women are paying a high price for the crisis caused by Covid-19

Malagasy women pay a high price for the economic and social crisis caused by Covid-19. This is the observation of the CNFM, the National Council of Women in Madagascar. The organization, which brings together associations from across the country, warns of the situation of many Malagasy women who are already insecure and who have clearly worsened since the coronavirus pandemic: job losses, deteriorating…

concerns about the decline in foreign exchange reserves

The Democratic Republic of Congo again has only 2.5 weeks of foreign exchange reserves. Nearly $ 700 million, according to the Monetary Policy Committee. The decline in these reserves, crucial in a country that matters for everything, led last year to higher prices and a decline in the Congolese franc. Are we in danger of experiencing the same scenario at the end of the year? Falling back into a crisis similar to 2019 is what fears former presidential candidate Noel Tshiani, a former senior World Bank staffer who has…

the security situation in Congo Central worries the government

The national government is concerned about the security situation in Congo Central Province. The Head of State instructed the Deputy Prime Minister with responsibility for the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense to resolve this issue. as reported from Kinshasa, The Council of Ministers considered the report by the Governor of Congo Central. According to this report, the insufficient number of police officers and elements as well as the lack of adequate oversight of recruits in military training in the…

the demonstrations against police violence are increasing

Protests against police violence are on the rise in Nigeria. For a week, the country's social network has been mobilized by the hashtag "EndSARS", which calls for the dissolution of the special unit for the suppression of thefts and robberies, accused of serious human rights violations. Online mobilization is impressive and is at the top of the most discussed topics on Twitter globally. But since Thursday, Nigerian youth are also present in the streets. as reported from Lagos, This Saturday, new demonstrations took…

the recent release of hostages calls into question the fate of Colombian sister Gloria

The recent release of hostages in Mali raises hopes that more hostages will be released. Several Malians and six Westerners are still in the hands of the jihadists in the Sahel. Among them is the Colombian nun Gloria Cecilia Argoti, known as "Sister Gloria". The Colombian nun was abducted on February 7, 2017 in Karangasso, in the Sikasso region of southern Mali. She then appears in two videos, including one with French-Swiss Sophie Pétronin, who was released Thursday night. That was in September 2018. Since then, there is…

Henri Konan Bédié appeals to the UN

Thousands of opposition activists and sympathizers gathered on Saturday, October 10, at the Félix-Houphouët-Boigny Stadium in Abidjan for a large rally against Alassane Ouattara's candidacy for a third term and for environmental reform. elections before the October 31 presidential election. as reported from Abidjan, Henri Konan Bédié once again condemned the "violation of the Constitution" and accused Alassane Ouattara in particular of "high treason" and the Constitutional Council of "perjury." "The RHDP's dictatorship…

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