Sheekadii Xiisaha laheyd ee kurbo aduun iyo kadeed caashaq Qeybtii 12aad

Subaxii dambe oo uu Sadiq u soo fasax qaatay xaaskiisa ayaa uu isbitaalka ka waayey yaab ayaa ka soo haray markii la yiri waa ay baxday oo gurigeeda ayaa ay tagtay markiiba telkii guriga. Ayaa uu garaacay cidna kama qabaneyso gurigii ayaa uu ku noqday cidna ma joogto yaab iyo anafariir ayaa ka soo haray mar uu daalay ayaa uu sooo xasuustay inuu telefoonkeeda uu ka Waco misana waa uu densan tahay. Anfariir xoogan aya galay cid uu weydiiyo ayaa uu garan waayey saxibkii ayaa uu…

Ball in Farmaajo’s hands to save the country from chaos

EDITORIAL | Somalia is expected to enter a crucial weekend today for the long-awaited Dhusamareb III meeting. This meeting is expected to know proposals on the election model and end with consensus on the best choice for the country to hold elections on time. But as the clock ticked towards Saturday, fears arose that the meeting could not happen at all. The reason is a growing distrust between the federal government and the federal member states and other stakeholders. On Thursday, various Somalia partners had…

Sheekadii Xiisaha laheyd ee kurbo aduun iyo kadeed caashaq Qeybtii 11aad

Amina ooyinta waa lagu celin waayey Idil ayaa inta ay cunuga ka qaatay ku tiri waxba ha is ciilgaabin saacado uun ayaa kaaga harsan in aad magacaaga nadiifiso iminkaana Sadiiq ayaan wacayaa. Idil markii wiilkii ayaa ay qolkii ciyaalka geysay Sadiiqna telefoon u dirtay oo ay u sheegtay in wiil loo dhalay oo xaalada Amina & wiilkaba ay ok tahay Sadiiq markiiba baaburkiisa ayaa uu ku yimid inta uusan u gelin Amina ayaa uu abaaray qolkii ciyaalka dhashay lagu haayo magaca…

Players who were too good for the championship but fought in the Premier League

When a player hits the championship year after year, it only seems logical that they will be able to recreate that form when they take the step up to the Premier League.While a few can adjust, some simply cannot. When they are out of the depths, they see a shadow of their former self and suddenly it seems as if it was as good as it was meant to be.If they can not make the cut in the top division, they usually return to the championship to revive their careers before being completely torn up again and make everyone think…

Keep in mind the Spaniard’s first 12 months as knowledgeable

With 9 La Liga titles, six Copas del Rey, 4 Champions League, one World Cup and two European Championships, Andres Iniesta is one of the vital adorned soccer gamers within the recreation's historical past. Iniesta, who now performs in Japan with Vissel Kobe, spent 16 seasons with the Catalan giants Barcelona, ​​the place he fashioned an iconic partnership with fellow Spaniard Xavi and established himself as certainly one of the most important midfielders to ever play the recreation. "" He is superb. He makes the crew work.…

Why the Somali Government should even encourage participation in more ‘Mudolood forums’.

EDITORIAL | Another week passed without Somalia knowing when or how to hold the forthcoming parliamentary elections. As time goes on, some individuals and local groups have come forward to try to find a solution. On Thursday, the Mudulood clan gathered in Mogadishu issued a statement, a kind of statement, on a number of issues. Among them was the call for timely elections, which they warned would cause a serious political crisis if the votes were delayed or the terms of the current powers were arbitrarily…

Sheekadii Xiisaha laheyd ee kurbo aduun iyo kadeed caashaq Qeybtii 10aad

Habeenkii si wadajir ayaa ay u sheekeysteen markii cashadii ay wada cuneen oo qolkii saaloonka la soo galay aya ay sheekadii iyada furtay Amina oo ay tiri.   Amina Sahra: Ii waran macaanka meeshaad jirtay iyo shaqadii ka waran   Sadiiq: Hagaag macaanta waad dareemi kartaa mar haddii shaqo la tago in wax sahlan uusan jirin   Amina Sahra: Intii aad iga maqneyd sow iima xiisin   Sadiiq: Haa macaanto   Amina Sahra: Waan rajeynayaa   Sadiiq: Maxaad sidaa u leedahay miyeysan kula…

Thierry Henry’s legacy from Arsenal

It has been over 22 years since the Highbury grass was adorned with a fresh Thierry Henry, who proudly raised his shirt number 14 and wore a smile as wide as Clock End.The Frenchman enjoyed eight trophy-laden years at Arsenal (plus a seven-matcher came in 2012 while on loan from the New York Red Bulls), and the legacy he left behind is still as lovingly remembered by Gunners fans as it was the day he left for Barcelona.Henry signed for Arsenal over 22 years ago / SINEAD LYNCH / Getty ImagesHenry arrived at Arsenal from…

Each participant who represents Arsenal and Chelsea within the century – is ranked

Arsenal and Chelsea are the hardest of London's rivals.Certain, they've a standard enemy Tottenham that they could need to beat greater than anybody else, however powerful rivals nonetheless.Each golf equipment are steeped in historical past - Chelsea's extra trendy than Arsenal's and each are at all times within the dialog on the subject of who has the perfect gamers within the Premier League. Not solely do they maintain the perfect expertise, they typically play a little bit of swap - with a variety of gamers crossing the…

Khaire’s departure means Somalia has a minor scapegoat, but the original problem persists

EDITORIAL | Very few people can predict Somalia's political landscape these days. And the events of the last week were in line with this uncertainty. The general feeling, however, is that Somalia needs a solution on how to conduct elections. So how did the country end up here? It is true that Somalia should have elections for a one-man vote by November this year. Every stakeholder failed to ensure that this happens, especially the Federal Government of Somalia . In the wake of this failure, the leaders then…

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