in Kenya, restrictions are eased, but schools remain closed

Kenya organized a major national conference on Covid-19 on Monday, September 28th. A meeting that the head of state wants to take stock of the situation and learn from the epidemic when the curve flattens (700 dead, 38,168 sick), the number of new cases decreases and as the country opens up. At the end of the debates, President Uhuru Kenyatta spoke to the nation. He announced further easing of restrictions, but he keeps schools closed. Uhuru Kenyatta wants be alert until the end. The positivity rate fell from 13% in June…

Frank Lampard Oo U Jawaabay Jose Mourinho Ka Dib Cabashadii

Tababaraha Chelsea Frank Lampard ayaa soo jeediyay in jadwalka kulamada Tottenham inuusan ka adkeyn kooxaha kale inkastoo uu Jose Mourinho cabasho ka muujiyay kulanka Carabao Cup.Spurs ayaa ku bilaabatay xilli ciyaareedka inay dheelaan kulamo badan oo isku xigxiga, iyadoo ciyaaraya afar kulan oo Premier League ah, seddex kulan oo isreebreebka Europa League ah iyo labo kulan oo koobab maxaliga ah inkastoo kulankoodii wareega 3aad ee Carabao Cup ee ay la ciyaari lahaayeen Leyton Orient la kansalay ka dib markii Korona Fayras…

schools paralyzed by teacher strike

In Zimbabwe, schools, colleges and colleges did not open their doors on Monday 28 September after a six-month closure in connection with the Covid epidemic. The eight teachers' associations in the country have launched an unlimited strike movement. They condemn the write-off of their salaries, but also the lack of funds and equipment to protect themselves from the pandemic. Hundreds of schools remained empty Monday after the call from the eight teachers' associations in the country. For several months, they have been…

Sababta Rasmiga Ah Ee Uu Jurgen Klopp Uga Soo Tagay Thiago

Dad badan ayay lama filaan ku noqotay inay shaxda Liverpool ka waayaan saxiixooda cusub Thiago Alcantara kaasoo wacdarro dhigay kulankio Chelsea ee isbuucii la soo dhaafay.Thiago ayaa bedel ku soo galay qeybtii labaad ee kulankii Chelsea isagoo bedelay Jordan Henderson oo dhaawac ku baxay kulankaas.Xiddiga khadka dhexe ee reer Spain ayaa inkastoo uu garoonka ku jiray 45 daqiiqo waxa uu hadana jabiyay rikoodhka baasaska ee kulan Premier League ah.Madaama uu Jordan Henderson dhaawac ku seegayay kulanka caawa ee Anfield waxaa…

Shaxda Rasmiga Ah Ee Liverpool vs Arsenal – Klopp Oo Ka Soo

Liverpool ayaa caawa garoonkeeda Anfield ku soo dhaweyneysa Arsenal iyadoo kulankaan si weyn loo wada sugayo.Labada kooxood ayaa sidii ugu fiicneyd ku bilowday xilli ciyaareedka. Arsenal ayaa xilli ciyaareedka ku furtay 3-0 oo ay kaga badiyeen Fulham ka hor ibta uusan nasiib saacidin oo ay 2-1 ku dardarin West Ham.Liverpool nasiibka ayaa saaciday kulankeedii ugu horeeyay xilli ciyaareedkan iyagoo si dirqi ah uga badiuay Leeds kulan todoba gool la iska dhaliyah laakiin waxag isbuucii hore guul raaxo ah ka gaareen…

Khabiir Saadaaliyay Kooxda Ku Guuleysan Doonta Premier

Liverpool ayaa mar kale la carari doonta koobka horyaalka Premier League ka dib markii Manchester City la garaacay shalay, sida uu saadaaliyay khabiirka kubada cagta Ingariiska Graeme Souness.Inkastoo xilli ciyaareed uu socdo kaliya seddex isbuuc, khabiir Souness ayaa durbaba arki kara ku celiska xilli ciyaareedkii la soo dhaafay markaasoo kooxda Jurgen Klopp ay hogaanka horyaalka qabatay xilli hore islamarkaana ku guuleysatay xilli hore.Hadalkiisa ayaa imaanaya ka dib natiijooyin lama filaan ah oo ay heleen kooxaha waa weyn…

Mansour Faye refuses to explain the management of emergency food aid

In Senegal, many comment on Monday 28 September following a statement by the Minister of Social Development and Social Justice. Mansour Faye, also the president's brother-in-law, was responsible for purchasing and distributing emergency food aid during the Covid-19 pandemic. Support of DKK 69 billion FCFA (more than 105 million euros). Accused of mismanagement, he says he will not respond to a possible call from Ofnac, the national anti-fraud and corruption office. as reported from Dakar, Charlotte idrac "Everything…

Ousmane Dembele Oo Soo Celiyay Dhaqan Xumadiisa & Falkii Ugu

Weeraryahanka Barcelona Ousmane Dembele ayaa mar kale ku kacay dhaqan xumada uu ku caan baxay isagoo ka soo daahay tababarkii maanta islamarkaana xarunta tababarka yimid isagoo gaari kaxeynaya xilli uu taleefan isticmaalayay.Wargeyska Deportes Cuatro ayaa soo bandhigay muuqaal ay duubeen oo muujinaya xiddiga Faransiiska oo 15 daqiiqo ka soo daahay tababarka kooxda inkastoo tababare Ronald Koeman lagu waramayo inuu ku amray ciyaartoydiisa inay saacad ka soo hormaraan waqtiga tababarka.Wargeyska ayaa sheegaya inay tani tahay…

Somalia: Prime Minister holds first meeting with foreign diplomats

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The new Prime Minister of Somalia, Mohamed Hussein Roble, held his first meeting with foreign diplomats based in Mogadishu, barely a day after taking office. The introductory meeting that took place at the Prime Minister's office in Mogadishu on Monday focused on partnership in achieving national priorities, including the upcoming elections and other key issues. The Ambassadors, EU, UN and AU representatives expressed their support for the Prime Minister and wished him success in the daunting…

Mikel Arteta Oo Shaaciyay Inuu Meel Iska Dhigayo Qaab

Tababare Mikel Arteta ayaa sheegay inuu meel iska dhigi doono qaab ciyaareedkii looga bartay Arsenal si uu u soo gabagabeeyo qarowga ay ka soo qaadaan Anfield mar walba.Gunners ayaa laga soo dhaliayy 30 gool sideedii kulan ee ugu danbeysay ee ay booqdeen Liverpool, mana aysan ku badinin garoonkaas tan iyo sannadkii 2012 markaasoo uu Arteta garoomada ku jiray.Laakiin waxay ku garaaceen kooxda Jurgen Klopp garoonka Emirates bishii July halka ay bishii hore rigoore uga qaadeen koobka Community Sheild.Labada jeerba, Arteta wuxuu…

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