Dozens killed in assault in central Mali

Suspected Islamist militants killed 25 individuals, together with 13 troopers in a number of assaults in central Mali, burned down a military base and ambushed troops despatched as reinforcements, the military and native authorities mentioned on Tuesday. The assaults had been lethal because the August 18 army coup that toppled…

Mo Farah was appointed ambassador to Djibouti ports and free zones

British lengthy distance runner Mo Farah has been appointed ambassador to the Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority. Farah was appointed ambassador on the day Djibouti created the conversion of the historic port right into a enterprise district. "We're very completely satisfied to be with Mo Farah on the ceremony to begin regeneration of the Port of Djibouti. DPFZA is worked up to have Sir Mo as our ambassador and appears ahead to collaborating on future tasks, ”tweeted the Port of Djibouti Directive. "The ties…

Mesut Ozil Oo Fariin Dahsoon U Diray Mikel Arteta &

Mesut Ozil ayaa taageerayaashiisa la wadaagay muuqaal soo koobaya waqtiyadiisii ugu fiicnaa ee intii uu ka hoos ciyaarayay tababare Mikel Arteta iyadoo weli Arsenal ay diidan tahay inuu u ciyaaro.Kubadsameeyaha Jarmalka ayaa ku guuldareystay inuu kulan tartan rasmi ah u ciyaaro Arsenal tan iyo markii uu caawiye ka noqday goolkii guusha ee uu Alexandre Lacazette ka dhaliyay West Ham bishii Maarso ee sannadkan.Madaama uu ciyaaryahanka ku jirin qorshaha Arteta, 31 jirkaan ayaa fariin dahsoon u diray xiddigii hore ee ay iska…

7 Greatest Kitchen Objects on Sale for Amazon Prime Day

Get able to spruce up your kitchen, as a result of a few of your favourite kitchenware and equipment manufacturers are providing mega reductions proper now. Amazon kicked off its legendary 48-hour Prime Day sale at midnight and can proceed into 11:59 p.m. PT tomorrow, Oct. 14, and a number of the offers are astonishing. From programmable gradual cookers to forged iron griddles, we pulled collectively a listing of seven of the perfect kitchen merchandise gross sales out there on Amazon Prime proper now. (Associated: 21…

Khayre Xildhibaanadda Kenya ma wuxuu kala hadlay ‘muranka

Senator ka tirsan aqalka sare ee Kenya, Falhada Dekow Iimaan oo ka mid aheed Mudanayaashii maanta Nairobi kula kulmay Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa qoraal uu soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook ku sheegay in RW Xasan Cali Khayre uu balanqaaday inuu xal “waara” loo heli doono dacwada badda ee u dhaxeysa Kenya iyo Soomaaliya hadii loo doorto madaxweynaha. Qoraalkaas oo aad looga falceliyay ayay Senataradu ka saartay barteeda Facebook waxa ayna soo dhigtay qoraal kale oo ay raalli galin kaga…

Does Covid-19 threaten the resumption of qualifications?

Six qualifying matches for the Africa Cup of Nations 2021 were canceled due to Covid-19 between 7 and 13 October 2020. One month before the qualifying match for CAN 2021, is it necessary to worry about that? After Libya-Togo, Tunisia U20-Comoros, Guinea-Bissau-Angola, Guinea-Gambia, Mali-Iran, it is Senegal-Mauretania's turn to be canceled. All these encounters suffered the same fate, but for different reasons related to the new coronavirus. The first two matches mentioned were planned in Tunisia and were victims of local…

Sawiradii La Sugayay Ee Xiddiga Cusub Ee Arsenal Oo Soo

Advertisements Thomas Partey ayaa ugu danbeyn soo gaaray magaalada London isagoo ciyaaryahan Arsenal ah.Xiddiga khadka dhexe ee Ghana ayaa u saxiixay Arsenal maalintii ugu danbeysay suuqa kala iibsiga xagaaga ka dib markii ay Arsenal bixiso 50 milyan euro oo lagu burburiyay qandaraaskiisii Atletico Madrid.Waxa uu saaka oo Talaado aheyd soo gaaray xarunta kooxda Gunners ee London Colney iyadoo laga qaaday sawiradii ugu horeysay ee isagoo xiran maaliyada Gunners.Advertisements Xiddigaan ayaa maaliyada No.18 u xirtay kooxda…

Writer of Courage Prize awarded to imprisoned journalist Amanuel Asrat

A prestigious literary prize was awarded on Monday night to Eritrean poet and journalist Amanuel Asrat, who has been missing from a prison in his country since September 2001. It is the British poet of Jamaican origin, Linton Kwesi Johnson, winner of the PEN Harold Prize Pinter 2020 awarded by the Founding Club of the Famous Writers' Circle, which in his absence presented him with the International Prize for Writer of Courage. Amanuel Asrat is one of the oldest political prisoners in the world and is said to be one of the…

The Covid-19 crisis is a severe blow to the remittances of African diasporas

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa is concerned about the decline in remittances from African diasporas. With the global economic crisis, these diasporas are sending less money to the countries of origin. This year, the decline is expected to reach 21% or 18 billion. Dollars less compared to 2019. The forecasts are alarming. Transfers will go from $ 85 billion in 2019 to $ 67 billion this year. And for many families living in anticipation of the manna sent by parents who have gone “north,” this is a…

Paul Scholes Oo Shaaciyay Xiddig Man United Ah Oo Ku

Paul Scholes ayaa sheegay in Anthony Martial inuu ku dhawaaday inuu ku qiyaameeyo taageerayaasha Manchester United inay u qaataan inuu yahay gooldhaliye.Halyeeyga kooxda Man United ayaa sheegay in booska uu ka ciyaari karo weeraryahanka Faransiiska inay weli dhibaato ku tahay Red Devils.Scholes oo 45 sanno jir ah ayaa si weyn u amaanay weeraryahanka da’da yar ee Man United ee ka kooban Mason Greenwood, Martial iyo Marcus Rashford.Laakiin waxaa ka dhaadhacsan in Martial uusan aheyn gooldhaliye sax ah islamarkaana uu ku fiican…

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